Locked Account

User tweeted the Biden meme and had to delete it and was locked out until he did.
Dave Rubin
Dave Rubin indicated that he had been locked out of his account for a DMCA claim on a video he posted that had a Sinatra song playing in the background. They also threatened to suspend his account if…
Loraine Huemmer
User re-tweeted Glenn Beck's video expose on Burisma along with a hashtag #Ukrainefinalpiece at Glenn's encouragement. Her account was then locked out and had to confirm her account. She regained…
Charlie Kirk
Twitter was reportedly very eager to take down any tweets about hydroxychloroquine and coronavirus. But now that the FDA has approved the drug for the treatment of coronavirus, will Twitter restore…
The Federalist
Twitter released a policy stating that it would restrict and remove content that would “place people at a higher risk of transmitting COVID-19.” But while some articles are left up, other articles…
James Woods
Actor James Woods has run afoul of the Twitter sheriffs--again.  Sara Miller, his girlfriend, shared with Twitter on March 24 that her boyfriend had been locked out of Twitter, this time for…
Rob Brown
Twitter censors user for stating that cops are not always looking to kill people: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The user had tweeted: "Jesus, cops are not…
Dan Freeman
Twitter censors user for using #LearnToCode: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. In 2019, he had tweeted "Advice for @Gizmodo faux journalists. #LearnToCode." At the…
Twitter censors user for tweet about illegal immigrant crimes: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She had tweeted "When a family has been destroyed bc an illegal alien…