Locked Account

Jersey Boy
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Steve Malzberg
Twitter censors political show host for sharing video of Biden touching young girls: RT show host Steve Malzberg reported that Twitter locked his account for posting a link to a video. He described…
Boogie Dabomb
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
John LeFevre
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Harry Brooks
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Old World Radio
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Alistair Williams
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Gerald Young
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching a young girls inappropriately…
Clemonce DuVall
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
English Girl
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Vinko Prelac
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter is…
Bea Jaspert
Twitter forces user to delete three tweets about transgenderism: A Twitter user reported that she was forced to delete three tweets about transgenderism. The tweets read: “Alice Roberts ‘Prof of…
Twitter censors user for calling someone a 'womble': A Twitter user was engaged in some discussion with other users about transgender issues and got frustrated. The user, whose Twitter handle is "…
Justin Knowlton
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
  Twitter censors pic of Biden touching young girl: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a pic of Joe Biden touching ayoung girl. Twitter forced them to delete the…
Jos Backus
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Montana Whitewolf
Twitter censors user questioning Biden blaming guns for murder of deputies: A Twitter user called out Joe Biden for blaming guns for the murder of two California deputies. His tweet said: "@JoeBiden…
Dale Gribbs
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Chuck Poe
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…