Locked Account

1 Chord Wonder
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Ms Knowital
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Vytautas Rex
  Twitter censors image of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a pic of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced him to…
Jason Argonautai
  Twitter censors picture of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a picture of Joe Biden "being a sex pest." He says that he posted the…
Twitter censors pic collage of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a pic collage of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Kacy of the Left
Twitter censors pic collage of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user who is a radical leftist reported having her account locked after posting a pic collage of Joe Biden touching young…
Wes Futureman
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Jon Miller
Twitter censors Jon Miller over tweet about pedophilia, after choosing not to censor him over the same tweet: Jon Miller reported that he received a notification from Twitter that the following tweet…
Michele Proud Deplorable
Twitter censors user for insulting Kamala Harris: A Twitter user replied to a video of Kamala Harris that James Woods posted. She said, "Sorry I don't speak hood rat. interpreter please...!!" Twitter…
17 Storm
Twitter censors user for posting claim about Biden and bin Laden: A Twitter user was suspended by Twitter in a confusing incident. The user tweeted the following: "Several sources claim that it…
Depp Bot
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
John Paul Jones
Twitter censors user for judgement on Obama: A Twitter user reported the his account was locked out for 12 hours. He said that it was because he "said Obama should receive the sentence for treason."…
Echo Voice
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked seconds after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter…
Dan Lyman
Twitter removed two tweets of a user who defended the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse and his violence of alleged self-defense: 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first-degree murder after he…
Full Metal Patriot
Twitter censors user for posting photo of Biden kissing young girls: A Twitter user reported that her account was locked for posting a photo of Joe Biden kissing children. She had to remove the post…
Twitter censors pic collage of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having their account locked after posting a pic collage of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced them…
Kay Kaye
Twitter censors pics of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting pics of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced her to delete the…
Cassandra Fairbanks
Twitter censors Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks for tweeting support of Kyle Rittenhouse: Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, known as @CassandraRules, tweeted "Kyle…
Kim Got Away
Twitter censors video of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting a video compilation of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced…
Jeff 5581
  Twitter censors video of Biden sniffing hair: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a video  of Joe Biden sniffing hair. Twitter forced him to delete…