Locked Account

Twitter censors pic collage of Biden touching young girls: A Twitter user reported having her account locked after posting a pic collage of Joe Biden touching young girls. Twitter forced her…
Twitter censors photo of Epstein and Don Lemon: A Twitter user reported that Twitter prevents him from posting a photo of Jeffery Epstein standing next to Don Lemon. He stated that his account "gets…
Matt Bostian
Twitter censors pic of Biden sniffing girls: A Twitter user reported having his account locked after posting a pic collage of Joe Biden sniffing girls. After 5 appeals were ignored,…
Marina Medvin
Twitter locks journalist's account for criticizing Biden: Town Hall senior columnist Marina Medvin served seven days in Twitter jail for a tweet comment criticizing Biden. Her tweet comment was in…
American Equus
Twitter censors Biden meme: A Twitter user reported posting the infamous Biden meme that resembles a Biden campaign ad, and asks "His brain? No. His heart." Once posted, the user's account was locked…
Twitter censors user for speaking out against backlash over Halle Berry playing a transgender person: A Twitter user got in trouble for a common idiom while speaking out against backlash over Halle…
Corn Pop
User tweeted the Biden meme and was required to delete it in order to get his account unlocked.
Soldier First
User was alerted that his account was locked. Two days later he was able to get it unlocked by verifying his phone number. Twitter did not tell him what this was about, but this is most likely due to…
User's account was instantly locked for posting the Biden meme. Has since been released.
Odd Nightsky
Twitter censors Biden meme: A Twitter user reported that his account was locked after posting a Biden meme. The meme was created to look somewhat like a Biden ad, with a bright light shining out of…
Nalgas Gueras
User tried posting the Biden meme after hearing it was getting people locked and suspended as a test, and his account was subsequently locked for it.
QAnon Report
User reported that Twitter "tried to lock my account for tweeting about" the Biden meme. A locked account can sometimes be recovered immediately. Most postings of Biden meme got a 12 hour lockout,…
Jan Halper-Hayes
User tweeted the Biden meme, on or around April 24, saying "with an ad like this do we need to worry?" and her account was locked out. "5 weeks later I got into @Biz_Shrink More than 2000 of my…
Thomas Jr
User's account was locked after tweeting the Joe Biden meme, and asking if it was a joke. Account has since been restored.
Voodoo Pork
User tweeted the Joe Biden meme, and was subsequently alerted that their account had been locked. The message stated that in order to unlock the account, the offending tweet must be deleted. However…
Pondo Coe
User tweeted the Joe Biden meme along with the message: "'I'm #JoeBiden and I've forgot this message.' #JoeBiden2020". For this his account was locked out, and he was not informed when the…
Luke OBX
User reported his account was locked (not suspended) for posting the Biden meme.
Dinosaur Hunter
Twitter censors Joe Biden meme for being misleading information about voting: A Twitter user posted the Joe Biden, "His brain? No, his heart" meme on April 22. The following day, Twitter locked his…