Locked Account

Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. The user tweeted "Castrate yourself then if you are happy to support the castration…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "Castrate yourself then if you are happy to support the castration…
Ned Nikolov
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Transgenderism is a psychological (mental) disorder known…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "It is very much a mental illness. It arises due to either…
Shawn McBreairty
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared screenshot of his censorship notice. He tweeted, in part, "This is what @LaurieOsher (D - Trans- Cultist) of Orono, ME…
Shalin Gala
Twitter censors user for exposing abuse of camels: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his Twitter censorship notice. The user tweeted "Camels are BLOODIED & BEATEN in Egypt's tourism…
Hegelian Dialectic
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Do your own research Junior. You really need to break free…
Sherry B
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "There is no gender identity there are men and women and…
Radicals Exposed
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "We the straight people only recognize LGB. Everything else…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "I live in a reality based world, not a fairy tale world.…
Winky Dinker
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "False , they are men with mental health issues. They won't…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of her censorship notice. She tweeted "Oh please. That's no woman. That's a thief who thinks she's…
Stevie Tyles
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Well, yall dont say you want to cut little boys dicks off,…
Dwight Voeks
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Great example of gender dysphoria. It's a mental disease…
Twitter locks account of anthropology professor over image of human skull: Twitter locked San Jose State University professor Dr. Elizabeth Weiss’s account because of her profile image showing…
STL Tifosi
Twitter censors user for tweet about Dylan Mulvaney: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of his censorship notice. The user tweeted "Bullshit. Do you really think that @budlight hired you…
Drew Noftle
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Because mutilating children's sex organic is barbaric, you…
Jillian Torkelson
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "Stop! Just stop! You are erasing real women! You can…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "There's two genders. All the rest are mental disorders."…
Twitter censors user for tweet about transgenderism: A Twitter user shared a screenshot of their censorship notice. They tweeted "This guy needs a good swift kick in the backside. He needs…