TB Joshua
Case #

YouTube disables channel of well known Nigerian televangelist, TB Joshua, after platform received complaints about videos showing him conducting prayers to "cure" gay people: TB Joshua is a well known Christian preacher in Nigeria. His YouTube channel garnered around 1.8 million subscribers and roughly 600 million total views before a complaint from a U.K.-based organization called openDemocracy resulted in Joshua's channel being taken down. The complaint alleged that at least seven videos on the preacher's channel "Emmanuel TV" showed him conducting prayers to "cure" gay people, according to the BBC. YouTube videos that have popped up coming to Joshua's defense claim that those in Joshua's congregation who were being prayed over never complained about the prayer, and even testified "in the church that the spirit of same-sex attraction has left them completely." A YouTube spokesperson reportedly told openDemocracy that Joshua's channel had been taken off the platform because it violated YouTube policy that "prohibits content which alleges that someone is mentally ill, diseased, or inferior because of their membership in a protected group including sexual orientation," according to the BBC. Joshua has appealed YouTube's decision the British news outlet added. "Emmanuel TV’s mission is to share the love of God with everyone - irrespective of race or religion - and we strongly oppose all forms of hate speech," said a Facebook post from TB Joshua Ministries. "We have had a long and fruitful relationship with YouTube and believe this decision was made in haste. We appreciate your prayers and support as we are making every effort to appeal this decision and see the channel restored."      

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