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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | April 10, 2008

     As evening and morning news broadcasts showed video of angry air travelers lashing out at American Airlines for canceling thousands of flights, at least one show finally revealed the true culprit: the Federal Aviation…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 9, 2008

     Soccer moms are trading in Tupperware parties for “Green” parties, according to the NBC “Today” show. But one of the results is a driveway full of gas-guzzling, carbon-emitting SUVs!

     “From the plants in her garden to the…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 9, 2008

     Since the beginning of 2008, the three broadcast networks have reported on a British Airways crash at London’s Heathrow Airport, pilots falling asleep on a Go! Airlines flight in Hawaii, the in-air death of an…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 3, 2008

     Though economists are less than certain, a U.S. economy in recession is a foregone conclusion for many in the media. The April 3 NBC “Today” show offered a light at the end of an economic tunnel, however.

     Natalie Morales…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 2, 2008

     It seems that mainstream media reporters have finally started to realize that ethanol isn’t the environmental salvation it was hyped to be.


     The cover story of the April 7 issue…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 27, 2008

     American Airlines canceled more than 300 flights March 26 as older planes were voluntarily re-inspected to make sure they met safety standards set by the Federal Aviation Administration. But the cancellations had CNN’s…