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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | March 7, 2008

     The subprime lending “crisis” has already led to a record rate of home foreclosures, so why do the media continue to exaggerate already disappointing statistics?


     In an…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 6, 2008

     When a gas station sign shows up on TV, you can bet the price shown is higher than the national average. That was true again as NBC “Today” co-host Ann Curry reported March 6.



Nathan Burchfiel | March 5, 2008

     It’s clear the media routinely ignore scientists who disagree with popular theories related to global warming. But could they possibly ignore a gathering of hundreds of scientists, economists and other experts who disagree with the idea…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 5, 2008

     We've seen the media promote an R.V. indicator, a sweater indicator, a McDonald’s indicator and even a Starbucks indicator – all illustrations purporting to show an economy in peril. But CNN topped them all March 4 with the sad puppy…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 5, 2008

     Seven out of ten Americans believe prescription drugs developed over the past 20 years have made life better for their fellow Americans – in spite of journalists’ incessant attacks on pharmaceutical companies – a new…