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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | March 27, 2008

     Howell Raines, former executive editor of The New York Times, is scared for his pension.


     Raines wrote in the April 2008 Condé Nast Portfolio that he fears the “pirate” Rupert…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 26, 2008

     What is it about government mandates that curse innovation to failure?

     Ethanol turned out to be more environmentally harmful than the fossil fuels it was replacing via federal mandate. Now scientists understand the “green”…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 19, 2008

The media are awash with historical flashbacks. Is this the worst economy since the Great Depression? Or is it a repeat of ’70s-era financial woes? For the most part, the comparisons have been less than accurate. But there’s one the media have…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 17, 2008

     The NBC “Today” show can’t seem to decide on an angle for its coverage of troubling developments on Wall Street over the weekend.


     Host Matt Lauer declared a “Code Red” for the…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 13, 2008

     Foreclosure filings in February 2008 were down 4 percent from January, but you wouldn’t know that from watching NBC’s “Today” show March 13.


     That’s because CNBC contributor…

Nathan Burchfiel | March 12, 2008

     Amidst concerns about oil prices and inflation, journalists forget one thing: government-mandated ethanol.  


     CNBC’s Erin Burnett ignored the effect it has on the…