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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | April 25, 2008

     CNBC host Jim Cramer has added himself to a short list of broadcast journalists who are willing to connect food inflation to government-mandated use of ethanol, a gasoline additive made with corn.


Nathan Burchfiel | April 24, 2008

     CNBC reporter Erin Burnett offered a bit of perspective to hyped-up media reports of rice rationing in the United States on the April 24 NBC “Today” show, even blaming ethanol for actual rice shortages around the world.…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 24, 2008

     Prices for groceries like corn, bread, meat, cheese and milk have been on the rise for American grocery shoppers. Food riots have broken out in third-world countries where the cost of food has left millions hungry.

     But U.S.…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 17, 2008

     You might think the networks harping on airlines for weeks over inspection controversies, delayed flights and ticket prices, might feel compelled to at least acknowledge some good news about the industry. But ABC “World…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 16, 2008

Some of the toughest obstacles American businesses face come not from other companies

or the economy, but from the media – journalists exaggerating an issue to make a story sexier or anti-business groups influencing the media to advance…

Nathan Burchfiel | April 11, 2008

     George Soros has made doom-and-gloom predictions for the U.S. economy – again. Naturally, it resulted in the New York Times dubbing him a “prophet.”

     Soros recently released a new book in which he predicted impending financial…