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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | May 28, 2008

     As unemployment remains low, the economy continues to avoid recession, and the housing market shows signs of beginning to rebound, NBC portrayed “average” Americans on the brink of starvation.

     NBC investigative correspondent…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 27, 2008

     The slowed economy is being blamed for a lot of things, and now the NBC “Nightly News” says it is hurting the children because of funding problems in California public schools.

     “In today’s tough financial times, nearly all of…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 21, 2008

     Campaign trail talk of a “windfall profits” tax on oil companies wasn’t enough for the Senate Judiciary Committee, which accused oil executives May 21 of manipulating the market.      

     Democratic senators said they saw a…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 20, 2008

     You’d think gas prices are high enough as it is. But for some reason, the NBC “Today” show needed to make prices seem even worse by showing a picture of a gas station with above-average prices.

     Co-host Ann Curry reported that…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 15, 2008

     The NBC “Today” show used the popular “us vs. them” approach again May 15 in an interview with ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.


     “Gas prices hit yet another record high this…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 12, 2008

     When faced with the tragic consequences of unethical business practices, the media are quick to project the problem on an entire industry, then run to the government for help. NBC’s “Today” show exemplified the approach…