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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | June 19, 2008

     “Issue #1 is your economy,” CNN host Ali Velshi announced March 17, as CNN launched a new mid-day show focused on the issue polls show is the top priority for Americans in the election season. Since then, “Issue #1” has brought viewers “…

Nathan Burchfiel | June 11, 2008

     Gas has finally hit $4 a gallon. Most Americans are upset about the cost, but to some journalists, environmental activists and politicians, high gas prices are good news.

     Even though the media have complained about “sky-high”…

Nathan Burchfiel | June 3, 2008

     It’s not often when members of the media highlight positive aspects of the economy, but that’s just what ABC financial contributor Mellody Hobson did on “Good Morning America” June 3.



Nathan Burchfiel | June 2, 2008

     Journalists have announced all sorts of interesting indicators (like Spam sales) that show an economy in the tank, especially when real indicators show continued growth and stabilization. On June 2, the NBC “Today” show turned to pawn shops…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 29, 2008

     Credit card companies are out to get you – even if you don’t have a credit card, according to the May 29 ABC “Good Morning America.”


     “You’ve heard of a no-win situation when…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 28, 2008

     Despite including a high gas price prediction, ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” provided much-needed context to rising gas prices in its May 27 broadcast. The report acknowledged the supply and demand factors currently driving up the…