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Nathan Burchfiel
Nathan Burchfiel | May 9, 2008

     Presenting a writer with no scientific background as an expert on food and nutrition might not seem like a prudent editorial decision for a major network newscast, but ABC’s “Nightline” did it anyway.


Nathan Burchfiel | May 8, 2008

     Eighty people in a Vermont town will soon be out of a job and residents will have lost access to a wide selection of less expensive hardware. NBC calls that a “great story.”



Nathan Burchfiel | May 7, 2008

     He’s on the cover of magazines like Time and Vanity Fair and appears on TV regularly as the image of the environmental movement. Now the polar bear could be pounding a path to your door.

     Under pressure from environmentalists,…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 7, 2008

     It’s doubtful John Lennon had profit entirely in mind when he staged a “bed-in” protest of war in Montreal in 1969 and recorded the infamous peace movement anthem “Give Peace a Chance.” But that’s what one witness to the occasion has in…

Nathan Burchfiel | May 1, 2008

     When the federal government announced April 30 that the economy grew in the first quarter of 2008, members of the media scrambled to find bad news to report. The NBC “Nightly News” found the Craigslist Indicator.

     “Even though…