Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | July 19, 2019

Elected officials are no longer allowed to tweet innocuous support for the United States Navy, if you believe Twitter.

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott met with Twitter officials on July 15 to discuss why his tweet about the U.S.…

Corinne Weaver | July 19, 2019

The new progressive agenda is simple: Dismantle key elements of the Constitution in order to serve their own purposes. 

At the Daily Kos convention, the Netroots Nation Conference, at a panel titled “Racism and the Struggle for…

Alexander Hall | July 18, 2019

Update: Later on the afternoon after this article was published, CarpeDonktum tweeted that he "received word that @HuffPost has reconsidered their position and no longer intends to print my real name in their publication." He has stated…

Corinne Weaver | July 18, 2019

Social media has banned and censored people from using its products. What will happen when social media companies create other everyday products — like money?

During two hearings in the House and Senate on July 15 and 16, senators…

Alexander Hall | July 17, 2019

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) roasted Google’s representative at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. 

The hearing, “Google and Censorship through Search Engines,” featured numerous heavy hitters from both sides of…

Corinne Weaver | July 17, 2019

Legislators expressed their frustration with the lack of disciplinary treatment of Facebook at a Senate hearing yesterday. 

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) took a moment during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on…

Corinne Weaver | July 17, 2019

Big Tech’s biggest threat to democracy isn’t censorship or privacy: it’s election manipulation.

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, “Google and Censorship through Search Engines,” Dr. Robert Epstein, who researches the impact of…

Corinne Weaver | July 16, 2019

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) hammered Google from the very beginning of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing, “Google and Censorship through Search Engines.”

In his opening statement, the senator began by saying, “…

Corinne Weaver | July 16, 2019

Google users can’t buy and sell guns on the platform. But they can buy and sell violent propaganda from the dangerous street thugs known as “Antifa.” 

Fox News reported that an armed member of Antifa, specifically,…

Alexander Hall | July 15, 2019

Update: As of 4:31 PM today there was a development in this story. Carpe Donktum announced via tweet that Buzzfeed has decided not to reveal his personal information after all. He wrote "I have heard back from @BuzzFeed and they have…

Alexander Hall | July 15, 2019

Key Republican leaders have called for action from the FTC, accusing Big Tech companies of threatening democracy.

Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri put Big Tech companies on notice by pressing the Federal Trade…

Corinne Weaver | July 15, 2019

Google has no issue selling anti-Semitic, Communist and Soviet merchandise, but don’t go looking for a rebel battle flag there.

The Google Shopping section of the site is wildly inconsistent about merchandise from some of history…

Alexander Hall | July 12, 2019

Liberal media outlets hysterically condemned free speech defenders as “extremists” and “conspiracy theory peddlers” commenting on the White House Social Media Summit.

At least six major news outlets ran with the…

Alexander Hall | July 11, 2019

A prolific American psychologist, journalist, and author will soon unleash a report that he claims will bring down Google. 

Dr. Robert Epstein announced July 10 that he will soon publish “the most important article I've…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2019

The Thursday Social Media Summit at the White House will rally supporters of free speech. 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who plans to attend the summit, has commented that he is “concerned there are people who work at the major…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2019

BlazeTV pundit Deneen Borelli called out Facebook’s CEO for destroying her video career via censorship. 

Internet personalities depend upon viewers and clicks so that their videos generate ad revenue, just like how TV shows…

Corinne Weaver | July 10, 2019

Twitter has not only blocked the Rev. Louis Farrakhan from posting temporarily, it has also added more rules to its hate speech policies. 

The social media company announced a new update in a July 9 blog post that banned “…

Alexander Hall | July 9, 2019

Twitter takes safety very seriously for all its users, both real and … fictional. 

Vice reporter Luke Taylor wrote in his July 8 tongue-in-cheek tell-all that he was de-platformed for acting nutty. In his article, “I Was…

Corinne Weaver | July 9, 2019

Facebook’s policy for posting content that called for violence used to be straightforward: don’t do it. Now, there are exceptions. 

According to an updated version of Facebook’s Community Standards, calls for…

Corinne Weaver | July 9, 2019

More than three-fourths of conservatives don’t trust Facebook. The social media has been battling controversy after controversy about restricting conservative content.

This is part of the findings of a new poll, conducted by…