Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | June 24, 2019

Project Veritas has released an insider leak story exposing Google for biased, manipulative practices. 

James O’Keefe’s whistleblower outlet posted a video of Google Responsible Innovation Head, Jen Gennai, in a June 24…

Alexander Hall | June 21, 2019

XBox has video game smack-talk in its crosshairs. 

In an interview with Kotaku’s Stephen Totilo, Xbox head Phil Spencer proclaimed that “Xbox Live is not a free speech platform.” He added that “It is not a…

Corinne Weaver | June 21, 2019

Reddit is notorious for its overzealous moderators, but one wonders what William Shatner could have possibly done to get banned from a large group.

The social media platform, known as the “front page of the internet,” is home…

Alexander Hall | June 20, 2019

In the wake of terror attacks, Big Tech companies are being taken to task over content policing.

The June 26 hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee will feature testimonies from Facebook, Twitter, and Google’s parent…

Corinne Weaver | June 20, 2019

Both sides of the political spectrum seem to misunderstand the damage online censorship does to the First Amendment.

After Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced a tech free speech bill on June 19 that would address the problem of…

Alexander Hall | June 19, 2019

How do Americans feel about Big Tech companies policing content? Most people are for it but even more people doubt the companies can do it properly.

Sixty-six percent of Americans, approximately 2/3rds of those surveyed say “social…

Alexander Hall | June 19, 2019

Pro-life groups are rallying together against liberal censorship on Pinterest, an online scrapbooking site. 

After the pro-life group LiveAction was censored by Pinterest, allied pro-life groups have rallied to load the platform with…

Corinne Weaver | June 19, 2019

Republicans in the Senate plan on striking a blow for online free speech — by eradicating censorship of conservatives online.

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a new bill June 19, meant to tackle the problem of tech monopolies…

Corinne Weaver | June 18, 2019

Facebook has long banned any use of cryptocurrency on its platform. Now all that has changed — because Facebook is doing it.

The company launched a subsidiary called Calibra on June 18, which will oversee Facebook’s new…

Alexander Hall | June 17, 2019

Facebook, which no longer funds CPAC, is now sponsoring an upcoming far-left convention.

Netroots and its convention event Netroots Nation, originally founded by the far-left blogosphere during the Bush era, has enjoyed a renaissance amid…

Corinne Weaver | June 17, 2019

Tech platforms are wiping any evidence of the Project Veritas video exposing Pinterest censorship.

Twitter and YouTube have both taken down mentions of the Project Veritas Pinterest exposé in the past week since its release. Now, Reddit…

Corinne Weaver | June 17, 2019

Facebook is making a desperate attempt to push a Pollyanna philosophy on its users. This might backfire.

In a June 14 blog post, Facebook announced an update to its policy. “We’re always working to ensure that people’s…

Corinne Weaver | June 14, 2019

The massive tech monolith Google doesn’t want to be investigated or regulated.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai carefully worded his criticisms of the antitrust investigations and the calls for regulation of big tech, in a June 13 …

Alexander Hall | June 13, 2019

Google and YouTube aren’t less interested in free speech than in maintaining politically correct status.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai told his gay Google employees, aka “Gayglers,” that the company will consult “many…

Corinne Weaver | June 13, 2019

Tech companies have only one rule about censorship: don’t talk about censorship.

Project Veritas, a conservative investigative group, just had its video exposing censorship at Pinterest removed from YouTube. James O’Keefe,…

Alexander Hall | June 12, 2019

Twitter suspended the account of investigative group Project Veritas after it exposed censorship at Pinterest against pro-lifers. 

According to the pro-life group Live Action, Pinterest “permanently suspended” its account…

Corinne Weaver | June 12, 2019

The #VoxAdpocalypse is steadily growing worse as the media has called for YouTube to ban and censor more people.

YouTube announced on June 5 that it would be removing “hundreds of thousands” more videos because of its newer,…

Alexander Hall | June 12, 2019

An upcoming free speech platform promises to provide users the best features of other social media, but without the censorship.

The subscription based “anti-censorship” platform “Thinkspot” is being created by popular psychologist Dr.…

Alexander Hall | June 11, 2019

Censorship of conservative and pro-life content isn’t limited to the main tech platforms. Even Pinterest, the online scrapbooking website, is banning conservative voices.

According to Live Action, Pinterest “permanently…

Corinne Weaver | June 11, 2019

The world’s most popular search engine classified one of the most crucial legal documents of 2019 as “fiction.”

The Washington Post reported June 10 that Google had been labeling the Mueller Report as “fiction…