Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | July 8, 2019

Microsoft wants it known that the U.S. should not deport illegal immigrants, for economic reasons. 

The company’s president, Brad Smith, tweeted on June 28 that “DREAMers make our country, community, and company stronger…

Alexander Hall | July 8, 2019

Free speech defenders rally to launch new civil rights org after attacks from rioters and corporations. 

Trial lawyer and RNC Commiteewoman Harmeet Dhillon announced the launch of a non-profit called Publius Lex on July 5 via Twitter…

Alexander Hall | July 5, 2019

French lawmakers rejected the American concept of freedom of speech on July 4 by voting for a “hate speech” ban online.

The lower house of French parliament pushed a massive internet regulation bill, which if approved, would…

Corinne Weaver | July 5, 2019

Facebook’s past policies may have implicated innocent users in some controversial activities. 

A ProPublica story went viral July 1 about a secret Facebook group with almost 9,500 members. The group was accused by the Soros-…

Corinne Weaver | July 3, 2019

Facebook’s new anti-violence policies have not yet applied to some of the most controversial and potentially dangerous users on its platform: the domestic terrorist group Antifa. 

At least 119 regional Antifa groups and pages…

Alexander Hall | July 2, 2019

The platform that rapidly bans people for tweeting “learn to code” took its sweet time removing legitimate death threats. 

Egyptian actor Hesham Mansour, with an 800,000 following on Twitter, tweeted some hateful and…

Alexander Hall | July 1, 2019

Hate preacher Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam organization’s pages were deplatformed from Facebook on May 2 during its purge of “hate speech.” While most remain banished, Facebook strangely has allowed one dedicated to…

Corinne Weaver | July 1, 2019

Facebook released an update of its  so-called “civil rights” audit June 30. The results did not bode well for conservatives, as the company committed to work with left-wing groups in every facet of its business. 


Corinne Weaver | July 1, 2019

Facebook wants to solve its censorship problems and build more transparency with its Content Oversight Board. But the attempt in itself could cause more problems than Facebook already has. 

The company released a report June 27…

Alexander Hall | June 28, 2019

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg doesn’t even pretend to be neutral. She donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood’s abortion advocacy to aid ‘marginalized,’ ‘women of color.’

HuffPost quoted Sandberg in a June 28 article, where she said “I…

Corinne Weaver | June 27, 2019

Facebook, a country with a population of 2.38 billion, is building a “Supreme Court” to oversee them. 

The social media platform released a report in a June 27 blog post that detailed the results of its workshops and…

Alexander Hall | June 27, 2019

Twitter is launching a new program to flag tweets as offensive. And it’s No.1 target appears to be President Donald Trump. 

The company announced via its blog June 27 that it will mark the tweets of politicians who break its…

Alexander Hall | June 27, 2019

Democratic leaders have not only accused social media of enabling misinformation, but speculated Big Tech companies profit from it. 

Politicians on both sides of the aisle raked social media over the coals at a June 26 hearing before…

Corinne Weaver | June 26, 2019

The front page of the internet is suppressing popular conservative voices — “without warning.” 

Reddit’s subreddit group, The_Donald, was given a “quarantine” by admins following liberal complaints…

Alexander Hall | June 26, 2019

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) warned Big Tech companies and his Democratic counterparts Wednesday that free speech is a fundamental value, and losing it will “tear us apart.”

Crenshaw was commenting during the June 26 hearing (…

Alexander Hall | June 25, 2019

When the U.S.-based crowdfunding website GoFundMe booted Australian athlete Israel Folau, critics had no idea it would be the best thing they could do for him. 

Folau is a popular national figure both as an athlete and an outspoken…

Corinne Weaver | June 25, 2019

A new revelation from Project Veritas has found that YouTube and Google labeled popular conservative commentators as “Nazis.” 

In a leaked document published on June 25, an email from a Google employee, Liam Hopkins,…

Corinne Weaver | June 25, 2019

A recent exposé of a regional Wikipedia project revealed some troubling stories of propaganda and abuse — even denial of a genocide

The Wikipedia branch in Azerbaijan, a small democratic Muslim country in the Middle East, allowed…

Corinne Weaver | June 24, 2019

A crowdfunding platform has joined the mass liberal panic over state abortion bans.

GoFundMe, the for-profit site where users create donation funds, made its own campaign to raise money for abortion clinics. On June 21, the fund was…

Alexander Hall | June 24, 2019

An Antifa-related activist group called “All Out DC” has been putting up posters with the personal information of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, as well as other free speech figures, in an effort to “Block the Alt-Right.”

The group’s…