Free Speech

Corinne Weaver | August 13, 2019

A viral video showing CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo threatening to throw a Trump supporter down the stairs has been removed from YouTube by the platform. 

The YouTube channel “That’s the POINT with Brandon” posted a video…

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2019

A draft of an executive order to be released by the White House found that at least 15,000 people had been affected by political censorship online.

CNN reported that a summary of the draft stated that the White House “has received…

Corinne Weaver | August 12, 2019

The media want to make a scapegoat out of platforms that have untethered free speech. Even when they clearly aren’t at fault. 

In a report about a shooter who attacked a mosque in Oslo, Norway on August 10, The New York Times…

Corinne Weaver | August 9, 2019

Twitter’s initial decision to suspend the official campaign account of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) caused a massive boycott of the site’s advertising platform from the GOP.

After the senator told a radio station that the GOP…

Corinne Weaver | August 9, 2019

Twitter’s war against conservatives and Republicans has some collateral damage — the company’s advertising business.

Twitter blocked the campaign account for Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) account from posting on August…

Corinne Weaver | August 8, 2019

Twitter is now acting like a dictatorship that allows itself to meddle in political campaigns and ban conservatives for exposing the violent left. 

So it should come as no surprise that the official campaign Twitter account for…

Alexander Hall | August 6, 2019

The left has no problem with hiding behind activist teenagers, but will scapegoat a right-wing one if she criticizes them. 

YouTube, Google’s sister company, deplatformed a 14-year-old conservative girl after she made a video…

Corinne Weaver | August 6, 2019

After the terrorist attack in El Paso, Texas, the liberal media are pointing the blame at President Donald Trump. And they want tech companies to do something about him.

The New York Times published an article detailing the number of…

Alexander Hall | August 6, 2019

A hashtag calling for violence against Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell has gone viral on Twitter.

Trump 2020 Deputy Director of Communications Matt Wolking tweeted a screenshot that the #MassacreMoscowMitch hashtag was highlighted…

Corinne Weaver | August 6, 2019

You can’t buy a Confederate flag on Amazon, but you can read literature that helped inspire one of the deadliest shootings in the United States. 

The Lorax, a children’s book by Dr. Seuss, was a recommended title in the…

Corinne Weaver | August 5, 2019

After the El Paso shooter uploaded a four-page manifesto to the online chat forum known as 8chan, the media and journalists lobbied for the site to be taken down. 

Some liberal journalists insisted that censorship was a solution to…

Alexander Hall | August 2, 2019

Good news! After being exposed, Apple claims its contractors will stop listening in on your intimate moments, at least for a while. 

According to The Verge, “Apple has said that it will temporarily suspend its practice of using…

Alexander Hall | August 2, 2019

Instagram has gone to war with meme pages. The reason why is unclear.

“Instagram seems to have purged most of the top meme accounts on the platform,” according to Insider.  Reports indicate that pages with hundreds of…

Corinne Weaver | August 2, 2019

Facebook announced that it had removed 259 accounts, allegedly part of a Saudi Arabian propaganda network. 

The accounts, the pages set up by the accounts, and the events hosted by the pages promoted propaganda about the Saudi…

Corinne Weaver | August 1, 2019

Conservatives might not be able to have a career in tech engineering unless they turn liberal. 

In an article published in the Wall Street Journal, former Google engineer Kevin Cernekee detailed the political harassment he…

Alexander Hall | August 1, 2019

The Big Tech company millions of Americans use as their gateway to the internet has proven time and time again that it’s not open to conservative thought. 

Quillette host Jonathan Kay interviewed former Google engineer…

Alexander Hall | July 31, 2019

A pro-life news website was booted from the Apple News platform without clear explanation on July 31. 

LifeSiteNews Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen contacted the Media Research Center’s Free Speech Alliance…

Alexander Hall | July 31, 2019

According to a Michigan-based survey to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, user satisfaction with Facebook is dropping rapidly. 

As the study reported, “ACSI results show a dramatic loss in user satisfaction with…

Corinne Weaver | July 31, 2019

Major business leaders aren’t all eager for Facebook’s new cryptocurrency, Libra. 

In an interview with The Verge’s Nilay Patel, billionaire and Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban had some objections to Facebook’s…

Corinne Weaver | July 31, 2019

Twitter is making supporters of President Trump suffer on Twitter for merely being retweeted by the platform’s least favorite person. 

For the second time in a month, Twitter suspended an account almost immediately after…