Free Speech

Alexander Hall | August 23, 2019

After waves of criticism — from accusations of bias to firing employees for their political beliefs — Google has rolled out new internal rules for people of all political stripes. Don’t be political.

Recode wrote about…

Corinne Weaver | August 23, 2019

The Facebook conservative audit conducted by former Republican senator Jon Kyl did very little to address concerns of censorship. The social media company only changed half a policy in response to the audit. Now Kyl is defending his…

Alexander Hall | August 22, 2019

Twitter is one of the worst Big Tech offenders when it comes to silencing critics of liberal orthodoxy — even if you are African-American and gay. Then it depends on your politics.

Conservative commentator Benji Irby, who has…

Corinne Weaver | August 22, 2019

The New York Times wants readers to believe that to be right wing is to be evil. 

In a scathing hit piece written about the conservative outlet Western Journal, Nicholas Confessore and Justin Bank smeared the website as a “…

Alexander Hall | August 22, 2019

Facebook has been stalking users’ internet history. Don’t believe it? Just ask ... Facebook.

The company published an August 20 article via its Newsroom titled “Now You Can See and Control the Data That Apps and Websites…

Corinne Weaver | August 21, 2019

Allegedly, Google did everything it could within its power to help Hillary Clinton win in 2016. It didn’t work. So did it happen?

Dr. Robert Epstein testified at a Senate hearing in July that Google had helped influence 2.6 million…

Alexander Hall | August 21, 2019

After years of being hammered by liberal talking heads for being too lenient about policing content, social media companies are considering radical changes to the social media landscape. Big Tech giants might begin to decide “what is true…

Alexander Hall | August 20, 2019

Ready for a handful of liberal news sources and a maybe a conservative or two? How about a computer program that chooses what stories you should read? Facebook’s upcoming “News Tab” already sounds suspect. Especially, in light…

Corinne Weaver | August 20, 2019

Facebook released its official report about accusations of bias from conservatives — only it bears no resemblance to the similar audit it did for the left. The company didn’t actually admit conservative concerns about censorship were…

Alexander Hall | August 20, 2019

Snopes official Twitter tweeted an article titled “Study: Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real” and wrote that “stories published by The Babylon Bee were among the most shared factually inaccurate content in almost every…

Alexander Hall | August 19, 2019

Facebook is allegedly trying to monitor its workers’ psychiatric trauma sessions. 

According to a letter written by whistleblowers within Accenture, a Facebook contractor, “This pressuring of a licensed counselor to…

Corinne Weaver | August 19, 2019

Twitter is an American company, but the social media platform has been taking money from the People’s Republic of China to run ads against the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests.

Pinboard, the social bookmarking website run by…

Corinne Weaver | August 16, 2019

Google employees aren’t happy with the idea of working with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement or the Customs and Border Protection.

A petition written by Googlers called for Google to avoid working with ICE and the CBP, as well…

Alexander Hall | August 16, 2019

Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) questioned  whether Facebook was entirely honest in its previous Hill testimony about recording its users’ supposedly private conversations.

Peters wrote in an Aug. 15 letter “regarding recent…

Alexander Hall | August 15, 2019

Check for flying pigs, 5 LGBTQ+ YouTube channels famous for bearded drag queens, progressive politics, and sex-ed are agreeing with conservatives on censorship. 

No less than five channels have joined together for a lawsuit against…

Alexander Hall | August 15, 2019

Project Veritas dropped a massive 950-page leak from Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies that showed how the company allegedly manipulates search results. Among the topics Google/YouTube manipulated were pro-life advocacy, questioning various…

Corinne Weaver | August 14, 2019

In the extensive document drop from former Google engineer Zach Vorhies, a section dedicated to hiring diversity, called “TGIF: Diversity at Google,” revealed a troubling aspect about Google.

Discussions among executives and…

Alexander Hall | August 14, 2019

In an explosive, f-bomb filled video, CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo threatened to throw his critic down a flight of stairs after he called him “Fredo” a reference to the pathetic middle child of the Corleone family in The Godfather film…

Corinne Weaver | August 14, 2019

Google used a blacklist and a blocklist for search results. And those two lists reportedly blocked  a large amount of conservative content from the app — including NewsBusters. 

A Google whistleblower, Zachary Vorhies,…

Alexander Hall | August 14, 2019

Facebook has been recording audio clips of its users and paying contractors to copy what they say. 

According to Bloomberg, the employees, “who are not told where the audio was recorded or how it was obtained” are merely…