Free Speech

Alexander Hall | September 19, 2019

Facebook admitted in court that it is a private publisher, not a free platform, proving its conservative critics correct.

Conservative pundit Chadwick Moore tweeted an article by tech blog ReclaimTheNet, writing, “Facebook just…

Corinne Weaver | September 18, 2019

Another academic study has determined that certain common phrases used on Twitter are “aggressive” or “bullying.” 

In the research report, “Detecting Cyberbullying and Cyberaggression in Social Media,…

Alexander Hall | September 18, 2019

After previously being banned in mid-May, One America News Network’s White House correspondent Chanel Rion has been mysteriously suspended from twitter once again.

“And just like that, Twitter no longer deemed me worthy of…

Corinne Weaver | September 18, 2019

In the digital country that Facebook is building, with currency, a population of 2.38 billion, and a corporate oligarchy, a new Oversight Board will act as a sort of Supreme Court. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on September…

Alexander Hall | September 17, 2019

Big Tech representatives from Facebook, Twitter and Google will testify September 18 on their platforms’ supposed “digital responsibility” to prevent “mass violence.”

ABC News reported that Big Tech…

Corinne Weaver | September 17, 2019

Tech companies censor users when they break the terms of service. But what happens to tech companies when they break the law?

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Twitter’s new advertising campaign in the city breaks San…

Alexander Hall | September 16, 2019

Once again, Twitter does not seem to understand satire. 

Titania McGrath is a parody Twitter persona created by comedian and Spiked columnist Andrew Doyle to satirize social justice advocates. “She” was suspended by…

Corinne Weaver | September 16, 2019

 Fact-checkers have been given an enormous amount of authority over what news stays and what cannot be allowed to flourish on Facebook.

Pro-life organization Live Action found this out the hard way last week, after the platform was…

Alexander Hall | September 12, 2019

Many fans were dismayed when PewDiePie, YouTube’s biggest individual creator, planned to donate to the censorious ADL. Today he has recanted after the backlash and says he will instead donate his money elsewhere.

Yesterday PewDiePie…

Corinne Weaver | September 12, 2019

Fox News apparently does not meet the standards for Facebook’s idea of journalism. 

Facebook’s newest feature, the News Tab, hasn’t even debuted and already it shows signs of bias against conservatives. According to…

Corinne Weaver, Alexander Hall | September 12, 2019

Facebook relies on the analysis of fact checkers to determine whether it should limit or boost media outlets. This backfires when the fact checkers are being investigated. 

The International Fact Checking Network announced that it…

Alexander Hall | September 11, 2019

[UPDATE: After backlash from his fans, Felix Kjellberg has stopped his plans to donate to the ADL] The most popular YouTuber on the platform is attempting to gain favor with the organization that wrote no company “has any obligation…

Alexander Hall | September 10, 2019

If nothing else, the sordid story of Jeffrey Epstein has done some good by exposing possible corruption  in academia, science, and Big Tech.

Business Insider wrote that LinkedIn founder and Microsoft board member Reid Hoffman is the…

Corinne Weaver | September 10, 2019

Big Tech companies like Facebook and YouTube would like users to believe Wikipedia is the ultimate objective source of information. 

But a recent hack proves that contention false. On conservative organization PragerU’s…

Corinne Weaver | September 10, 2019

Another investigation into big tech’s business practices has been launched, this time from the states. 

50 attorneys general and 48 states announced a probe into Google on September 9 for practices that “may have led to…

Alexander Hall | September 9, 2019

Amazon, whose labor practices have been criticized from the left and right, is now facing a strike, over climate change activism.

Amazon will face its first worker’s strike in its meteoric 25-year history. Many other Big tech giants…

Corinne Weaver | September 9, 2019

Microsoft President Brad Smith is one of Big Tech’s biggest advocates for censorship online. 

Wouldn’t it be great if he brought that can-do attitude to the government?

In an interview with Time Magazine, Smith…

Alexander Hall | September 9, 2019

Big Tech companies are facing their day of reckoning from the Pro-Life movement.

Leading pro-life organization Live Action has gone through its fair share of confrontations with Big Tech, and now is taking the fight to the next level.…

Corinne Weaver | September 6, 2019

Another academic study about disinformation and election security has been released, this time from New York University. True to form, the research blames all facets of the right as sources of “domestic disinformation.” 

Alexander Hall | September 5, 2019

Hundreds of millions of Facebook users’ phone numbers have been exposed online to the public.

According to TechCrunch’s September 4 story, a compromised server exposed over 419 million users across multiple countries, “…