
Autumn Johnson | May 1, 2021

After a controversial blog post banned “societal and political discussions” at Basecamp, roughly one-third of the company’s employees resigned.

Basecamp is a web application development company. The backlash came after company CEO Jason…

Autumn Johnson | April 30, 2021

A third-party fact-checker on Instagram labeled a quote from Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) on racism in America as “missing context.” The post that was flagged came from Turning Point USA's account.

The fact-checker Science Feedback…

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 29, 2021

What ever happened to laughter being the best medicine? Big Tech’s ever-vigilant information watchdogs have no sense of humor and consistently attack any and all information they disagree with. The Babylon Bee has been on the censorship chopping…

Autumn Johnson | April 27, 2021

California pressured social media companies to censor posts about the 2020 presidential election, according to Judicial Watch. The conservative legal organization announced the news Tuesday after it obtained over 500 pages of documents.

Autumn Johnson | April 25, 2021

A fake tweet purportedly placing the Chicago Police Department in solidarity with Derek Chauvin — the former cop convicted of killing George Floyd — has been retweeted nearly 50,000 times, but Twitter has refused to take it down.


Autumn Johnson | April 24, 2021

Facebook has penalized The Babylon Bee after the site posted a story making fun of leftist rioters and looters. This was the latest run-in with Facebook for the Christian satire site. 

The satirical post was titled “rioting safely”…

Autumn Johnson | April 22, 2021

Twitter refused to investigate an inflammatory tweet by LeBron James for potential violations after the NBA superstar threatened an Ohio police officer. James went after the officer who shot and killed a 16-year-old African-American girl who…

Autumn Johnson | April 21, 2021

The United States Postal Services has been quietly monitoring Americans’ social media posts, including posts about planned protests. At least some of that specifically targeted “right-leaning accounts.”

The surveillance program, known as…

Autumn Johnson | April 18, 2021

Twitter is under fire for its double standards. The site featured an article that relied on hacked materials to out police officers who donated to a crowdfunding campaign. This is the same site that banned a Hunter Biden story for allegedly using…

Autumn Johnson | April 10, 2021

Justin Opinion, a popular YouTube channel that reviews guns, gears, and ammo, has been demonetized because YouTube deems the content “harmful.”

The channel has racked up more than 23 million total views and over 84,000 subscribers since…

Nicholas Cantin | March 29, 2021

Axios Future correspondent Brian Walsh, in a shocking takedown, upended the ideals of environmentalists that want to stall the economy to save the planet.

Axios, not known for going against the progressive liberal policy grain, …

Eric Scheiner | March 24, 2021

Lefty Twitter users can still tweet that the suspected gunman in the Boulder, Colorado supermarket shootings is a "white Christian terrorist" – because Twitter doesn’t feel it violates their policy on misinformation.

Believe it or not,…

Craig Bannister | March 23, 2021

“If you dropped this bulls**t at my front door, it would be considered a hate crime,” Black conservative Candace Owens replied Tuesday to a failed Democrat congressional candidate who tweeted an image representing a Klu Klux Klan (KKK) hood to…

Craig Bannister | February 16, 2021

Only one in nine U.S. likely voters are very confident that social media censor questionable content in a fair and unbiased way, while nearly half have no trust at all that it will do so, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

The national survey…

Craig Bannister | January 27, 2021

More than three-fourths of U.S. college students believe social media companies like Facebook and Twitter have too much power and influence in politics, and a majority want more government regulation of Big Tech, a new survey finds.

In a…

Alec Schemmel | January 22, 2021

Rick Wilson, the co-founder of the virulently anti-Trump Lincoln Project, said conservatives are being banned because they “suck” and “say evil shit.”

“Twitter and Facebook aren’t banning you because you’re a conservative. They’re banning…

Craig Bannister | January 19, 2021

Since Friday, Twitter has yet to flag as incitement a post by liberal actor Alec Baldwin saying he “had a dream” about the prospect of President Donald Trump being hung for sedition – using a noose made from recycled coronavirus masks.


Alec Schemmel | January 19, 2021

Parler isn’t the only free-speech-friendly tech company facing backlash from the riot at the U.S. Capitol.

A new tech startup created by former Republican candidate for Congress Elizabeth Heng, called “The New Internet,” has also been…

Alexa Moutevelis | January 14, 2021

On Thursday night, Project Veritas released a secretly recorded video of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey talking about his company’s censorship plans beyond President Donald Trump and his exit from office.

Previewing the release, Project Veritas…

Craig Bannister | January 11, 2021

“The odds are 100%. We are coming back. Anybody who thought we were going to take this lying down, you picked the wrong guy,” Bongino said regarding Amazon pulling its servers supporting social media platform Parler, in which the conservative…