
Michael Morris | December 18, 2020

The man who coined the term “Intellectual Dark Web” suggested that if the United States is willing to put up with institutional tyranny, “[t]hen maybe we deserve Chinese Communism.”

Eric Weinstein opined that the United States might just…

Craig Bannister | December 11, 2020

“This show will make news. I challenge YouTube to take this show off your site, off your platform,” iconic civil rights lawyer and Constitutional Scholar Alan Dershowitz said in the latest episode of The Dershow on his YouTube channel.…

Alec Schemmel | November 20, 2020

American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said Parler is a haven for the promotion of conspiracy theories.

New York Times columnist Andrew Sorkin hosted a Nov. 17 discussion at The New York Times’ virtual DealBook…

Alec Schemmel | November 16, 2020

Now conservatives aren’t even allowed to hold events without being censored. Eventbrite removed the “March For Trump” from its platform, an event that brought thousands of Trump supporters to the nation’s capital on Nov. 14. The event’s…

Craig Bannister | October 19, 2020

More than three-fourths of social media users do not believe most of what they read on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, a new Rasmussen survey finds.

One-third (33%) of U.S. likely voters “rarely or never” use social…

Craig Bannister | October 16, 2020

On Thursday, a day after social media platforms Facebook and Twitter censored a New York Post article reporting allegations potentially harmful to former Democrat Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced…

Alec Schemmel | October 8, 2020

The Nation of Islam, led by notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, has lost its YouTube channel for violating the platform’s policy on hate speech. 

After announcing in 2019 that YouTube would remove videos and channels promoting…

Alec Schemmel | September 30, 2020

Despite TikTok’s hate speech rules, anti-Semitism appears to be flourishing on the platform.

Anonymous TikTok users told The Jerusalem Post that their Jewish heritage has been attacked on the platform. One Jewish TikToker told The Post…

Kayla Sargent | September 11, 2020

Although Netflix has become a cesspool of liberal propaganda, the streaming service does occasionally get something right. 

A new Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma highlights the power that Big Tech companies have over the…

Kayla Sargent | August 10, 2020

Another one bites the dust. Facebook just restricted a pro-Trump super PAC with less than three months left before the presidential election. 

Facebook banned the Committee to Defend the President, a pro-Trump Super PAC, from running…

Kayla Sargent | August 7, 2020

President Donald Trump’s administration warned that it was considering a ban on Chinese social media. And it delivered in a big way last evening.

Trump signed an executive order Thursday night, “Executive Order on Addressing the Threat…

Kayla Sargent | August 6, 2020

Even the left is beginning to understand the danger of the Chinese-owned app Tik Tok after months of concern. 

Bloomberg news reported on July 27 that the Biden campaign sent a memo to staffers, telling them to delete the app from…

Joseph Vazquez | July 31, 2020

Parler CEO John Matze slammed his Big Tech competitors following a congressional antitrust hearing, and said his site is doing its part to defend freedom of speech.

In an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Matze gave his…

NB Staff | July 29, 2020

Four prominent Big Tech CEOs are set to appear before a congressional subcommittee today, and we demand answers!

The CEOs of four of America’s largest Big Tech companies, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO…

Craig Bannister | June 2, 2020

Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared on

More than twice as many likely voters want social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, to allow free speech by users as want them to regulate what is posted, a new…