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Now conservatives aren’t even allowed to hold events without being censored. Eventbrite removed the “March For Trump” from its platform, an event that brought thousands of Trump supporters to the nation’s capital on Nov. 14. The event’s coordinator even claims Eventbrite told attendees the event was canceled.

“Eventbrite just shut down our event and emailed everyone that it was canceled,” Women for America First Chair Amy Kremer said on Twitter. But that didn’t stop the event, which drew tens of thousands of people to the nation’s capital, according to USA Today and The Federalist.

Eventbrite cited the march’s promotion of “potentially harmful misinformation” when it notified organizers why the event had been removed, according to a screenshot from Kremer. Analysis by the Media Research Center shows the platform doesn’t treat far-left groups the same.

Despite violating Eventbrite’s community guidelines, left-wing groups have been given a pass to continue using its services. This includes Extinction Rebellion (XR), a group that has engaged in reported instances of violence, according to British newspaper The Independent and international digital news outlet Quartz at Work. Other groups and events given a pass by Eventbrite include those that have made claims that Trump is attempting to subvert the results of the election, and others that have been co-hosted by Hashim Nzinga, the chief of staff of the anti-Semitic, anti-LGBT and anti-white New Black Panther Party.

Refuse Fascism NYC, Extinction Rebellion and events involving black separatists are among the groups that have been given a pass on Eventbrite’s platform despite violating its guidelines, while events like the “March For Trump” have been taken down.

An event created by Refuse Fascism NYC states in its description that President Donald Trump has “threat[ened] to cancel the elections,” yet, was not flagged by the platform for violating its policies against misinformation. “Trump Is Already Stealing the Election,” another one of the group’s listings on Eventbrite says.

In 2018, Project Veritas released undercover video of Refuse Fascism “Fight instructors” teaching protesters how to be violent. “Last week we released video of New York Antifa-like group RefuseFa, short for Refuse Fascism, training people how to poke people's eyes out, and reframing assault as ‘self-defense,’” reported Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe.

“So if that doesn’t knock them out, then yeah. The nose, the eyes, poke the eyes … Absolutely,” one of the alleged instructors from the video is recorded saying.

Furthermore, a press release from Refuse Fascism states that the current administration “has tortured immigrants, unleashed white supremacist terror, exacerbated the climate crisis, spread lies and COVID, and stacked the courts with theocratic Christian fascists.” An about page on the group’s website also says the Trump administration “is illegitimate because it is fascist.”  

Another radical leftist group that has been given a pass to use Eventbrite’s services despite violating its guidelines is Extinction Rebellion (XR), a group that has engaged in reported instances of violence. In January, counter-terrorism police in the United Kingdom placed Extinction Rebellion (XR) on a list of extremist ideologies, according to The Guardian.  

The United Kingdom’s prime minister and home secretary reviewed whether to reclassify XR as an “organised crime group” after “it disrupted the distribution of four national newspapers,” according to The Guardian

Eventbrite has also allowed events involving black separatists and black separatist ideology. One of the listings permitted on the platform includes a convention co-hosted by Nzinga, a leader of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), which has been designated a hate group by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center. “The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense is a bigoted, anti-white, antisemitic Black Nationalist group that preaches hate toward the LGBT and Jewish communities and holds beliefs rooted in the teachings of Nation of Islam,” writes the SPLC.

Eventbrite has also allowed the Million Man March to organize on its platform, an event “envisioned by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan,” according to Dayton Daily News

“Louis Farrakhan may be the most popular antisemite in America,” according to the Anti Defamation League. Farrakhan has been banned by Facebook, while YouTube has removed the account run by Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. Twitter removed Farrakhan as well, but later reneged on the decision and allowed him to return

Eventbrite’s community guidelines explicitly prohibit “Events By Hateful/Dangerous Organizations.” This includes “content or organizations that promote or encourage hate, violence, or harassment towards others,” according to the company’s community guidelines, which also specifically prohibits organizations promoting hate against others based on ethnic origin, religion or nationality.   

“This is what we’ve seen throughout the election process,” Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said of Eventbrite's actions on Fox News. “This is censorship of an orwellian nature that has got to be stopped.”   

Equal Footing for Conservatives: Conservatives are under attack. Contact Eventbrite and demand that the platform provide equal footing for conservatives: Companies need to make equal room for conservative groups as advisers to offset this bias. That same attitude should be applied to employment diversity efforts. Tech companies need to embrace viewpoint diversity. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable