Matt Taibbi

Christian Baldwin | June 28, 2024

Matt Taibbi, independent journalist and Twitter Files author, revealed the origins of the expansive government censorship enterprise working with social media to censor Americans.

Taibbi recounted his findings from the Twitter…

Catherine Salgado | April 3, 2024

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi has taken on deniers of government-private partnerships against free speech in a recent Twitter Files report.

Taibbi issued the new report in response to NBC News smears accusing Taibbi, Rep. Jim Jordan…

Tom Olohan | February 1, 2024

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi broke the news that the censorship outfit Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) allegedly misrepresented itself to the IRS to gain tax-exempt status. 

Taibbi exposed the CCDH, or the “digital…

Tom Olohan | January 31, 2024

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi tore into the liberal media for ignoring inconvenient news, including the Twitter Files. 

Taibbi told syndicated radio host Mark Levin that a media blackout of his recent bombshell about the…

Luis Cornelio | January 5, 2024

Newly released emails show that an anti-free speech State Department subagency faced scathing accusations of “targeting Americans” through alleged taxpayer-funded plots.

Journalist Matt Taibbi published a May 2019 email exchange between…

Autumn Johnson | November 30, 2023

New files reviewed by independent journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger reveal that data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans allegedly conspired to censor Americans via an “‘anti-disinformation’” group called the Cyber…

Autumn Johnson | November 21, 2023

In a bombshell report, a “Twitter Files” journalist revealed internal documents showing that the head of a leftist watchdog group obsessed with online censorship reportedly created “fake news” stories while he was a staffer for a Member of…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 16, 2023

New Twitter Files affirm the House Judiciary report exposing the Department of Homeland Security’s election-interfering censorship operations.

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi dug into Twitter’s internal communications showing that…

Gabriela Pariseau | November 9, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi sounded the alarm on the precarious state of free speech online as leftist elites embrace censorship and AI.

During an exclusive MRC interview, Taibbi told Bozell that…

Catherine Salgado | October 31, 2023

The Big Tech-government censorship industrial complex is all too real, but one anti-free speech lawmaker “Went Too Far, Even For Pro-Censorship Media” and Twitter. 

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) has been an avid proponent of censorship…

Catherine Salgado | October 19, 2023

A group of free speech advocates are taking a stand against global censorship with a new declaration.

The Westminster Declaration has amassed 136 signatories from around the world. “In the course of human history, attacks on free speech…

Catherine Salgado | October 9, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi slammed online censorship during an appearance on Fox News.

Taibbi went on Fox News Oct. 5 to discuss Big Tech censorship and the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit going to the U.S. Supreme Court. The lawsuit…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 25, 2023

The latest Twitter Files installments implicated a new culprit in the assault against Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s free speech and provided evidence that government requests to censor were more like orders.

The most recent Twitter Files by…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 11, 2023

The Twitter Files pulled back the curtain on a massive election interference campaign. Now, the House Judiciary Committee is set to grill FBI Director Christopher Wray and others about how the government colluded with Big Tech to censor Americans…

Joseph Vazquez | June 7, 2023

Just as CNN didn't blink twice when it described "fiery but mostly peaceful protests" in 2020, the joke of a media outlet is telling Twitter Files readers "don't believe your lying eyes" when it comes to Big Tech-Big Government censorship…

Catherine Salgado | May 10, 2023

Talk about a cycle of insanity. Anti-free speech Facebook censored a report on censorship.

Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi took to Twitter on May 10 to expose how Facebook and its parent company Meta censored a Racket News report…

Catherine Salgado | March 23, 2023

Popular podcaster Joe Rogan bashed legacy media and praised independent journalists in a recent show. The Twitter Files is one of the biggest exclusive series in America now, broken by independent journalists. 

Independent Substack…

Paiten Iselin | March 16, 2023

Federal government agencies – and even the White House itself – seem to be working with Big Tech companies to censor Americans who don’t fall in line with the left’s approved narrative. They’ve censored opinions on COVID-19, transgenderism and…

Autumn Johnson | March 14, 2023

One congressional Democrat seemed unprepared for the response she received after she implied that Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi wasn’t really a journalist.

"This isn't just a matter of what data was given to these so-…

Catherine Salgado | March 10, 2023

Republican lawmakers and self-professed liberal journalist testifiers bashed Big Tech coordination with "weaponized government" while Democrat lawmakers attacked the testifiers at a congressional hearing Thursday. 

The House…