Matt Taibbi

Joseph Vazquez | March 2, 2023

The latest batch of Twitter Files released by Twitter owner Elon Musk blew the lid off a coordinated effort to create “state-sponsored blacklists.”

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi, who unveiled the latest batch March 2, pointed to the…

Autumn Johnson | February 20, 2023

The latest drop of Twitter Files shows that a United States senator's campaign director pressured the company to target his political opponents.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi posted a thread of tweets illustrating how government…

Renata Kiss | February 14, 2023

Renowned podcast host Joe Rogan and Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi hashed out Elon Musk’s quirky business strategy at Twitter that ticked off many on the left.

On Monday, podcast host Joe Rogan released a conversation with guest…

Autumn Johnson | January 27, 2023

New Twitter Files show the pre-Musk, pro-censorship Twitter regime lacked “the guts to out” a watchdog group with ties to government officials that falsely labeled American accounts “Russian bots.” 

Journalist Matt Taibbi detailed…

Catherine Salgado | January 19, 2023

Americans have been shocked by the Big Tech-government collusion uncovered in the Twitter Files and a lawsuit from state attorneys general. But the FBI director boasted to his fellow globalists at Davos about such “collaboration.”


Gabriela Pariseau | January 16, 2023

The Twitter Files have uncovered the internal mess that Twitter has become over the last six years as the company has interfered in American elections, directly colluded with federal government agencies and censored Americans.

Thanks to…

NB Staff | January 5, 2023

MRC President Brent Bozell exposed the enormous amount of cash that leftist billionaire George Soros spewed to buy influence in global media.

Bozell presented the findings of MRC Business’ second report in a three-part series exposing…

Autumn Johnson | January 4, 2023

A Tuesday evening “Twitter Files” drop revealed the censorship-obsessed Big Tech platform caved to pressure from Democrats and created a task force to investigate Russian “interference” in the 2016 election.

The document drop is the…

Gabriela Pariseau | January 3, 2023

The latest Twitter files show that the liberal media mafia, Democrat politicians and the intelligence community went on an apparent witch hunt to shut down Russian social media accounts, bringing Twitter to its knees and paving the way for the…

Paiten Iselin | December 27, 2022

While airing out Twitter’s dirty anti-free-speech laundry, new platform CEO Elon Musk exposed Big Tech for its routine collusion with the federal government as it attempts to censor Americans.

A Twitter Files thread released by journalist…

Autumn Johnson | December 24, 2022

Saturday's Twitter Files drop showed that the CIA joined the FBI in contributing to censorship on the platform.

Matt Taibbi, who has reported several file drops, wrote in a Christmas Eve thread that officials from Other Government Agency…

Joseph Vazquez | December 17, 2022

Twitter owner Elon Musk released another batch of Twitter files exposing the leftist Big Tech platform’s extensive collaboration with Big Government on its bloated censorship operations.

Independent journalist Matt Taibbi summarized the…

Catherine Salgado | December 9, 2022

The second installment of the Twitter Files about the platform’s censorship has uncovered Twitter’s secret censorship team in addition to the company’s practice of blacklisting. 

The Free Press founder Bari Weiss tweeted the second…

Catherine Salgado | December 8, 2022

“Simply put, what they did is expected of communist China not the United States of America.” 

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) slammed Twitter’s censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, revealed in the “Twitter Files,” as election…

Michael Chapman | December 8, 2022

(CNS News) -- The ongoing release of internal Twitter documents revealing the company's decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 presidential election largely confirms a post-election poll showing how Big Tech and Big…

NB Staff | December 6, 2022

As a top lawyer for Twitter, Jim Baker had a duty to his client to put Twitter’s ethics above his own.

But he apparently failed.

Twitter had intended to publish its second batch of internal files on the company’s handling of the…

Julia A. Seymour | September 19, 2018

Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders has at least one media champion for his Stop BEZOS Act.

The bill, which is obviously targeting CEO Jeff Bezos of Amazon, would levy a 100 percent tax on companies in the amount their employees…