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Twitter Files journalist Matt Taibbi tore into the liberal media for ignoring inconvenient news, including the Twitter Files. 

Taibbi told syndicated radio host Mark Levin that a media blackout of his recent bombshell about the revival of components of the 2020 “transition integrity project” to reportedly help Biden win the 2024 election was nothing new during the Jan. 29 edition of The Mark Levin Show. Taibbi pointed out that legacy media had ignored all the collusion exposed by his work on the Twitter Files, saying that “you could hear a pin drop when we put that out.” 

Taibbi agreed with Levin that his recent revelations about the 2024 election were ignored by the media and pointed out that the media had behaved the same way when he published his Twitter Files research. “I thought that was a huge story,” said Taibbi of The Twitter Files, highlighting his disappointment with the media, “I thought everybody would have to pick that up because you know, no matter what they thought politically and there was nothing, it was like you could hear a pin drop after we put that story out.”

The Twitter Files journalist did not expect the situation to improve. “That’s just the world we live in now,” Taibbi decried. “I grew up in an era when reporters were not supposed to care how information broke and who was hurt by it and who was helped by it, but that’s not where we are in the media right now and things are different and we just have to get used to that.”

In fact, a study by MRC Senior Research Analyst Bill D'Agostino, showed that CNN and MSNBC almost completely ignored not only Taibbi’s Twitter Files revelations but also all the other Twitter Files installments. Taibbi’s research was also ignored by the Big Three the morning after they were published. CBS, ABC and NBC all covered news related to Twitter that morning, but not one of the three networks mentioned the Twitter Files. 

Levin shared his outrage at the media’s transparent bias, praising Taibbi’s most recent bombshell and slamming the radio silence surrounding it. Levin told Taibbi: 

“You know Matt Taibbi, you write this piece, its incredibly thorough, you list names, you list organizations, you list sources and on and on and on … maybe I missed something, nobody picks it up. It’s like: what the hell is this? You’ve just laid out a massive, I don’t know conspiracy or efforts, it’s just a sleazball operation and it's going to have an effect on this election, it's going to have an effect if Donald Trump wins this election, and we’re gonna again be at pistol aim at each other and they don’t say a damn thing about it!”  

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