Left-wing Hate

Luis Cornelio | December 22, 2023

A co-founder of Substack rejected efforts that seek to punish egregious content that is otherwise protected by the First Amendment, delivering a rebuke against widespread censorship plots to thwart free speech.

Substack co-founder Hamish…

Autumn Johnson | September 26, 2023

A new poll from RealClear Opinion Research confirms what we already know: the majority of Democrats are fine with online censorship. In fact, they are the ones pushing for it.

The results of a recent RealClear Opinion poll were…

Brian Bradley | December 15, 2021

Five strikes and you’re permanently banned.

So sayeth the Twitter monarchs, who discreetly promulgated a new policy to muzzle users who spread so-called COVID-19 “misinformation.” With no public announcement, the platform’s terms of…

Autumn Johnson | August 5, 2021

Blaze Media’s Allie Beth Stuckey was locked out of her Twitter account on Thursday after she tweeted that Olympian Laurel Hubbard is “still a man.”

Hubbard, a New Zealand weightlifter, is a transgender woman who competed in the 2020 Tokyo…

Autumn Johnson | July 16, 2021

The Biden administration announced at a press briefing on Facebook Friday that it was working with Facebook to censor posts that contained “misinformation.” 

The comments came after President Biden said misleading posts on Facebook…

Autumn Johnson | May 31, 2021

The Detectives’ Endowment Association slammed Amazon after merchandise reading ‘Blue Lives Murder’ was listed for sale on the website. This is only the latest example of Amazon selling hateful merchandise.

The group demanded that Amazon…

Autumn Johnson | May 15, 2021

Notable upcoming books released by conservative authors have suddenly disappeared from Amazon’s search results.

Conservative author and New York Post editor Sohrab Ahmari’s book on America’s abandonment of virtuous ethical and religious…

Autumn Johnson | April 30, 2021

A third-party fact-checker on Instagram labeled a quote from Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) on racism in America as “missing context.” The post that was flagged came from Turning Point USA's account.

The fact-checker Science Feedback…

Autumn Johnson | April 27, 2021

California pressured social media companies to censor posts about the 2020 presidential election, according to Judicial Watch. The conservative legal organization announced the news Tuesday after it obtained over 500 pages of documents.

Autumn Johnson | April 25, 2021

A fake tweet purportedly placing the Chicago Police Department in solidarity with Derek Chauvin — the former cop convicted of killing George Floyd — has been retweeted nearly 50,000 times, but Twitter has refused to take it down.


Autumn Johnson | April 24, 2021

Facebook has penalized The Babylon Bee after the site posted a story making fun of leftist rioters and looters. This was the latest run-in with Facebook for the Christian satire site. 

The satirical post was titled “rioting safely”…

Autumn Johnson | April 11, 2021

Southern Poverty Law Center president Margaret Huang wants Americans to be more like President Joe Biden and take “a really strong position” against “hate.”

Huang discussed the SPLC’s classification of “hate groups” in an interview with…

Alec Schemmel | November 18, 2020

Liberal commentator Keith Olbermann said the president is undermining American democracy from his “toilet,” and he must be stopped.

While President Donald Trump remains in office until at least January 20, calls from the left to…

Gabriel Hays | September 19, 2018

A new study of YouTube exposed what it called a “conspiracy ecosystem” of content creators that tried to connect prominent conservatives with a well-known racist and package them together as “far-right” or “…

James Powers | January 31, 2017

There has been no shortage of vitriol directed at President Donald Trump, but one CEO recently went beyond criticism to what could be viewed as a threat.

Ted Kornblum, Founder and CEO of Magnatone guitar amplifier company, posted on Jan.…

Sam Dorman | January 4, 2017

Actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said “Hello” to hypocrisy and “Hasta la vista, baby” to climate purity.

The New Celebrity Apprentice started with Schwarzenegger looking suave and putting on…

Sam Dorman | August 11, 2016

Arianna Huffington, who in 2010 said Americans were voting republican with their “lizard brains,” announced on Aug 11 that she would step down as Editor-in-Chief at her left-wing website.

Huffington Post started in 2005, and…

Sam Dorman | June 20, 2016

According to Huffington Post, the Grand Old Party will become the Dead Old Party at the 2016 Republican convention in Cleveland. Cause of death? Support for presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

Taking plenty of shots at the GOP, historian…