
Joseph Vazquez | July 31, 2020

Parler CEO John Matze slammed his Big Tech competitors following a congressional antitrust hearing, and said his site is doing its part to defend freedom of speech.

In an interview with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Matze gave his…

NB Staff | July 30, 2020

On Thursday’s Evening Edit, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell excoriated Big Tech a day after a House subcommittee hearing on the matter, telling the Fox Business Network’s Jackie DeAngelis that these “monster…

Corinne Weaver | July 29, 2020

Big Tech companies claim to represent American values, but their business practices say otherwise.

The CEOs declared that they were American companies, then had to deal with numerous examples that undermined that patriotic claim. Before a…

NB Staff | July 29, 2020

Four prominent Big Tech CEOs are set to appear before a congressional subcommittee today, and we demand answers!

The CEOs of four of America’s largest Big Tech companies, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO…

Corinne Weaver | July 28, 2020

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all worked in concert to mass censor material from President Donald Trump, his son, Donald Trump Jr., and a Facebook event hosted by the Tea Party Patriots that involved doctors discussing COVID-19.


Alexander Hall | July 27, 2020

A Florida man sent death threats to a respected conservative organization on social media, and while the government took them seriously, Facebook moderators reportedly did not.

Facebook claims to protect its users from being targeted for…

NB Staff | July 27, 2020

RESTON, Va. -- On Monday, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell and the MRC's Free Speech Alliance released an open letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai ahead of Wednesday's House Judiciary Committee and the Antitrust…

Corinne Weaver | July 24, 2020

Events supporting Black Lives Matter are allowed to stay up on Facebook. But not events that support the police force. 

According to Law Enforcement Today national spokesperson Kyle Reyes, the page for the Long Island “Back the Blue…

Alexander Hall | July 23, 2020

Facebook wants to stop its computer algorithms from being biased. But only when it comes to racial issues, not politics. 

Facebook is “creating new teams dedicated to studying and addressing potential racial bias on its core platform…

Heather Moon | July 21, 2020

The outcome of Facebook’s outlandish new policy promoting mail-in voting was easy to predict.

The company announced a plan Friday that encourages mail-in voting so much that even if a post criticizes the concept, Facebook links it to mail…

Alexander Hall | July 21, 2020

After making a video criticizing diversity politics pandering in Big Tech, a Facebook worker was booted from the platform that formerly employed him.

Ex-Google and now ex-Facebook engineer Patrick Shyu is well known for his down-to-…

Alexander Hall | July 20, 2020

Mail-in voting has become controversial this election — except at Facebook. The social media site loves mail-in voting so much, it’s promoting it on every politician’s post about … mail-in voting. So when President Donald Trump warns how mail-in…

Corinne Weaver | July 20, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has openly denied working with President Donald Trump, in order to appease the liberal media. 

Zuckerberg told co-founder Mike Allen that “There's no deal of any kind,” in statements made to Axios. He…

Alexander Hall | July 17, 2020

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken heat from liberals in the media and Big Tech for not doing enough to undermine the president, but his weaponization of COVID-19 is damning.

Zuckerberg blasted Trump during an interview with National…

Corinne Weaver | July 15, 2020

Facebook, and Silicon Valley, are both “extremely left-leaning,” according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. So it should come as no surprise that while progressive employees are given the chance to succeed, those who disagree with them are set up…

Alexander Hall | July 14, 2020

Instagram users attach “stickers” to label their story videos with humorous text, but even Instagram went too far on its own. It has removed the “MUTE WHITE PEOPLE” sticker after conservative journalists and Donald Trump Jr. torched the company…

Dan Gainor | July 14, 2020

Conservatives were already critical of Facebook’s new content Oversight Board. Now, they have even more reasons to complain.

Facebook released the third and final version of the radical left’s audit of its operations last week. As the…

Alexander Hall | July 13, 2020

Think Facebook is trigger-happy with censorship? Imagine how bad it would be if it caved to the left’s censorship demands!

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) slammed Facebook in a memo for “unkept promises” leading up to a meeting…

Alexander Hall | July 10, 2020

So much for Facebook’s noble position that the best policy for online speech is to allow more speech. In its latest concession to the left, Facebook is reportedly eyeing a complete surrender and shutting down political ads prior to the election.…

Joseph Vazquez | July 9, 2020

Leftist infighting over “equality” and “titles” is an ironic yet glorious thing to see.

The leaders of Sleeping Giants, a leftist “social media campaign group that has pressured companies to stop financially supporting”…