
Alexander Hall | September 21, 2020

Big Tech is famous for censoring conservative speech, even as it allows leftist organizations to post the purported private address of a conservative senator in order to organize protests and intimidate.

“Protesters on Monday gathered…

Joseph Vazquez | September 21, 2020

It looks like the harbingers Dr. Robert Epstein had warned the country about regarding liberal Big Tech’s influence in elections are coming true.

Big Tech giant Facebook informed the Media Research Center that it would be partnering with…

Corinne Weaver | September 17, 2020

An ad that was part of the conservative PAC American Principles Project’s (APP PAC) $4 million campaign was labeled “missing context and could mislead people” by Facebook fact-checkers. 

NBC News wrote that the video, titled “Not…

Kayla Sargent | September 16, 2020

Google testified in an antitrust hearing before the Senate yesterday, but the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) appears to be gearing up to crack down on Facebook. 

The Wall Street Journal reported that the FTC is preparing “a possible…

Alexander Hall | September 16, 2020

News organizations can’t even question China’s involvement in the Novel Coronavirus without being censored. A Fox News article about Dr. Li-Meng Yan’s claims that China intentionally released the COVID-19 virus has been censored by Facebook with…

Kayla Sargent | September 15, 2020

If you’ve logged on to your Facebook today, you may have already noticed something a little different at the top of your feed. 

Today, Facebook launched its new Climate Science Information Center, its third information center in the…

Kayla Sargent | September 14, 2020

Although Netflix streaming service has a "Big Pedo Problem,' most recently with the film Cuties, it appears as though Facebook is refusing to allow despicable content on its platform. 

Facebook allegedly removed a clip from the…

Alexander Hall | September 14, 2020

Two Big Tech giants have attached warning labels and filters to posts by President Donald Trump about the election.

Facebook and Twitter placed warning labels on but did not remove Trump’s posts urging North Carolina residents to show up…

Alexander Hall | September 10, 2020

Facebook vowed to crack down on political violence and election interference, but the result is far less than advertised. The platform allows Antifa organizations to organize and share content in apparent conflict with Facebook’s official…

Kayla Sargent | September 10, 2020

As if we needed more proof that Facebook is overrun by leftists, one of the platform’s engineers just quit because the company was — wait for it — not leftist enough. 

Facebook engineer Ashok Chandwaney left the company on Tuesday…

Corinne Weaver | September 9, 2020

Facebook is taking a contradictory stance: it supposedly is pro-free speech, but is banning political ads the week before the election. 

CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently appeared on the Sept. 8 episode of Axios on HBO to explain all of…

Alexander Hall | September 3, 2020

Facebook labelled a post by President Donald Trump for teaching Americans how to avoid voter fraud in the 2020 election.

President Trump warned American voters about “the massive number of Unsolicited & Solicited Ballots that will be…

Kayla Sargent | September 3, 2020

With tensions on the rise over the Black Lives Matter movement, many people have taken to social media platforms like Facebook to express their opinions. This issue has caused strife even among Facebook employees. 

On Tuesday,…

Alexander Hall | September 3, 2020

The Canadian radical organization Adbusters is attempting to interfere in the U.S. election by organizing a "siege" of the White House. Facebook, which regularly acts against foreign election interference has still done nothing to stop it.

Alexander Hall | September 2, 2020

Congressman Roger Marshall M.D. (R-KS), a licensed physician, was censored for discussing CDC information about COVID-19.

“A Facebook post published on Sunday afternoon by U.S. Congressman Roger Marshall, M.D. discussing updated COVID-19…

Corinne Weaver | September 2, 2020

The United States holds that an individual charged for a crime is innocent until proven guilty. But Facebook, along with a handful of other tech companies, has decided that it is more capable of casting judgment than the U.S. court system.…

Alexander Hall | September 1, 2020

Facebook declared it would remove any content that might bring legal controversy or government regulation to the platform.

Facebook has announced new Terms of Service. The platform’s new rules will allow it to “remove or restrict access…

Corinne Weaver | August 31, 2020

Facebook claims it wants to promote racial equality by “elevating Black voices.” But if those voices promote conservative content, then Facebook does not want to elevate it.

The Hodgetwins, who market themselves as conservative comedians…

Kayla Sargent | August 27, 2020

After Apple snuck COVID-19 contract tracing software onto its iPhone updates in May, the company is now at least pretending to care about user privacy.  

One feature of Apple’s iOS 14 update, originally announced in June, is…

Kayla Sargent | August 24, 2020

Months before the presidential election, Facebook has already made plans to crack down on President Donald Trump’s posts in case he attempts to use the platform to contest the election’s legitimacy.

An August 21 New York Times article…