
Heather Moon | November 30, 2020

Facebook’s latest faulty “fact check” shows how little regard the company has for facts or experts. 

Facebook added a USA Today “fact check” to a post of a Just Facts study that investigated non-citizens voting in battleground states…

Kayla Sargent | November 24, 2020

Facebook used its power to modify user news feeds to suppress what it called “election misinformation.” This new policy used a “secret internal ranking” after the Nov. 3 election to alter users’ feeds on the platform.  


Kayla Sargent | November 24, 2020

It appears that Facebook is willing to do whatever it can to get on former Vice President Joe Biden’s good side. 

Facebook is reportedly planning to promote the COVID-19 vaccine and the Paris climate agreement in order to “charm”…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2020

Big Tech has declared Open Season on conservatives. Conservative commentator Ashley StClair said Instagram removed a hunting photo and threatened her account with deletion, in its latest bout of censorship.

Hunting hogs from helicopters…

Alexander Hall | November 23, 2020

Big Tech has declared that Democratic nominee Joe Biden will receive the official verified presidential accounts from Twitter and Facebook/Instagram in late January, despite the fact that several states are still contested.

“Twitter Inc…

Alec Schemmel | November 20, 2020

American billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, said Parler is a haven for the promotion of conspiracy theories.

New York Times columnist Andrew Sorkin hosted a Nov. 17 discussion at The New York Times’ virtual DealBook…

Alexander Hall | November 20, 2020

American band TRAPT was reportedly booted from Facebook for sharing a meme. 

“Nu-metal one hit wonders Trapt were kicked off of Facebook after the group shared a Proud Boy meme to promote their new account on social media site Parler…

Kayla Sargent | November 20, 2020

Facebook has reached a whole new level in its censorship practices, and is not at all shy to tell reporters about it. 

In a recent call with reporters, Facebook’s Vice President of Integrity, Guy Rosen, revealed the specific numbers…

Alec Schemmel | November 19, 2020

Mark Levin, the host of Fox’s Life Liberty & Levin, has had enough social media censorship. After getting throttled yet again by Facebook, Levin has said he will “probably” be leaving the platform “by the end of the year.”

For the…

Alexander Hall | November 18, 2020

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has grown tired of hearings that appear to have no effect on censorship, but hammered one critical moment that could change it all.

Carlson had a fiery broadcast where he laid waste to Big Tech and its…

Heather Moon | November 18, 2020

Since the conservative exodus from Twitter and Facebook has begun, the liberal media has wrung its hands over Parler, an alternative to Big Tech platforms. 

Parler’s downloads have spiked from 4.5 million to over 10 million just…

Alec Schemmel | November 17, 2020

During Tuesday's Senate Judiciary hearing, Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) asked the CEO’s of Facebook and Twitter if President Donald Trump would still be allowed on their platforms “after he stops being president.”


Corinne Weaver | November 17, 2020

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) raked Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over the coals in Tuesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“You’re the robber barons,” said Hawley to both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “…

Alexander Hall | November 17, 2020

On Tuesday, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) raked Facebook and Twitter over the coals at a hearing for having a history of “mistakes” that overwhelmingly appear to target conservatives.

Lee scorched Big Tech leaders at a hearing, entitled “…

Alec Schemmel | November 17, 2020

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed Democrats during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing over their calls for social media platforms to increase censorship.

The hearing, entitled “Breaking the News: Censorship, Suppression, and the 2020…

Alec Schemmel | November 17, 2020

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, the CEO’s from both Facebook and Twitter agreed that reforms to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is a necessary step forward for social media platforms.  

The Nov. 17…

Alexander Hall | November 13, 2020

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi scorched Facebook for allowing conservatives to criticize and mock liberals.

Pelosi had received a question from a reporter about whether Facebook had done enough to censor conservatives…

Alexander Hall | November 13, 2020

Major liberal media outlets are furious that Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg won’t ban former presidential advisor Steve Bannon for merely using political hyperbole in his show. Multiple outlets accused Bannon of calling for the…

Kayla Sargent | November 12, 2020

The left has long ignored conservatives’ complaints about Big Tech censorship: but now Democrats are whining that the shoe is on the other foot.

Facebook and Google have not lifted their respective bans on political ads, and likely won’t…

Alexander Hall | November 12, 2020

A Biden campaign staffer is furious that conservatives are still allowed to question the integrity of the 2020 election online. “Bill Russo, a deputy communications director for the president-elect’s campaign ripped the social network in a…