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Facebook deplatformed a pro-Israel page with “75 million followers” after the page appeared to be the target of “anti-Semitic” attacks — flooding the page with one million comments that included photos of Hitler. 

Facebook shut down the pro-Israel page “Jerusalem Prayer Team” (JPT) after the page was allegedly targeted by “radical Islamic organizations,” the group’s founder Dr. Michael Evans told CBN News.

Evans detailed the alleged attacks in a comment to CBN News: “There was an organized attempt by radical Islamic organizations to achieve this objective. They posted over a million comments on our site, and then had the people contact Facebook saying that they never posted to the site. That was a complete scam and fraud. It was a very clever, deceptive plan by Islamic radicals.”

Israel National News reported on the story and said that “Anti-Israel activists claimed that Facebook made them follow the page without their consent, and began flooding it with serious anti-Semitic comments - which also include photos and quotes by Hitler.” 

But the anti-Israel activists reportedly did more than just flood the comments with anti-Semitic content. “The comments may have caused Facebook's mechanisms to block the page, but Dr. Evans and his team claim that the activists, who posted more than a million abusive comments, also reported it and led to its removal,” CBN News said. 

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the page’s removal, and told MRC Free Speech America: “We removed Jerusalem Prayer Team’s Facebook Page for violating our rules against spam and inauthentic behavior.” JPT reportedly appealed Facebook’s decision with the aim of having the page restored.

Unfortunately, Facebook has adopted a more pro-censorship attitude since banning former President Donald Trump in January. The platform recently removed the group Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom, and it also fact-checked a book review from The Wall Street Journal. Facebook’s Oversight Board also decided to temporarily uphold Facebook's ban of Trump for now

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308-7300 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.