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Have you no shame? Facebook VP of Global Affairs Nick Clegg wrote an opinion piece calling to spread the American value of free expression after a year of unprecedented censorship.

After Facebook’s infamous year of censoring then-sitting President Donald Trump and countless Americans, earning a F in the MRC Big Tech report card, a company executive has now suggested that America should export free expression to the world. What followed in the CNBC op-ed was an exercise in the pot calling the kettle black. Despite Facebook’s Oversight Board, composed of 75 percent international members who are unsurprisingly and overtly leftist, voting to keep Trump censored, at least for now, Clegg opined: “The U.S. risks becoming a nation that exports incredible technologies, but fails to export its values.”

In the piece, Clegg issued some suggestions of how Americans can regulate Big Tech and keep American values part of the global internet:

“By focusing on the areas where there is agreement on both sides, Congress can break the deadlock and create the most comprehensive internet legislation in a generation. In doing so, it can help to preserve the American values at the heart of the global internet.”

American Big Tech companies — Facebook not excluded — have deplatformed countless Americans and censored millions, but Nick Clegg still focused on condemning other countries.

Clegg rightly condemned “The Chinese internet model — segregated from the wider internet and subject to extensive surveillance.” He also took a swipe at Vietnam, Russia and Turkey as countries that he claimed “have taken steps in a similar direction.” Clegg then, without expressing irony, suggested: “The open, accessible and global internet we use today has been shaped by American companies and American values like free expression, transparency, accountability and the encouragement of innovation and entrepreneurship. But these values can’t be taken for granted.”

Facebook, despite being an American company, has also taken cues from the UN.

The Board noted that Facebook announced its commitment to adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights on March 16. The Board also indicated that it used UN rules to decide Trump’s case. However, Trump’s suspension was instigated more than two months before Facebook’s commitment to the principles on Jan. 6.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308-7300 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.