
Alexander Hall | January 28, 2021

Facebook, one of the internet’s biggest social media platforms, is planning to depoliticize its users’ newsfeeds.

“On a conference call with analysts, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook is considering steps it can take to reduce the amount…

Kayla Sargent | January 27, 2021

Facebook may now label speaking out against transgenderism as “violence and incitement.” 

Facebook reportedly suspended a Bible professor for seven days following a post criticizing President Joe Biden’s new policies towards…

Corinne Weaver | January 27, 2021

Facebook’s censorship has gone from removing opinions to threatening to remove entire pages.

Conservative YouTuber Mark Dice reported that Facebook took down a post from his page on Twitter. But Dice said the platform went a step further…

Alexander Hall | January 26, 2021

Facebook is cooperating with the federal government, and giving information on those who reportedly engaged in the Capitol Hill riot.

“Despite attempts to play down the use of Facebook amongst Capitol Hill rioters, the social media giant…

Alec Schemmel | January 22, 2021

Rick Wilson, the co-founder of the virulently anti-Trump Lincoln Project, said conservatives are being banned because they “suck” and “say evil shit.”

“Twitter and Facebook aren’t banning you because you’re a conservative. They’re banning…

Kayla Sargent | January 22, 2021

It appears as though Facebook is trying to shift the decision making, and therefore the blame, as to whether former President Donald Trump should be allowed back on the platform.  

Nick Clegg, Facebook’s Vice President of Global…

Alexander Hall | January 21, 2021

Facebook’s infamously liberal Oversight Board has accepted a case to decide whether to allow former President Donald Trump back on Facebook and Instagram. 

Facebook was one of many Big Tech companies whose choice to censor then-…

Alexander Hall | January 21, 2021

The hypocrisy is clear: Facebook will eliminate fringe supporters of former-President Donald Trump, Antifa radicals get the opposite treatment and get to operate freely on Facebook.

Facebook’s Newsroom released an update proclaiming it…

Alexander Hall | January 18, 2021

Morning Joe is at war with social media. Hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough attacked Facebook and Twitter. They slammed the companies for not having taken action against President Donald Trump sooner to prevent what Brzezinski called “some…

Joseph Vazquez | January 15, 2021

There’s a high price to pay for banning President Donald Trump from social media platforms, and both Twitter and Facebook are feeling the massive bite out of their wallets for doing just that.

Both Twitter and Facebook “have collectively…

Kayla Sargent | January 15, 2021

It’s no secret that Facebook constantly censors content, but a recent investigation from Vice has the outlet suddenly upset that censorship might even happen to them. The platform has reportedly censored some groups just for using the word “men”…

Joseph Vazquez | January 14, 2021

The Washington Post Editorial Board praised the shutdown of free-speech platform Parler by the company owned by the same “world’s richest person” that owns The Washington Post.

The Jan. 11 editorial screed was headlined, “Parler deserved…

Heather Moon | January 12, 2021

Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg is “glad” that the platform decided to ban President Donald Trump’s account indefinitely. 

Sandberg, who has donated abundantly to Planned Parenthood and a myriad of liberal members…

Kayla Sargent | January 12, 2021

Big Tech still isn’t done cracking down on conservatives. 

Facebook, Instagram and even Peloton, have decided to remove “Stop the Steal” content from their platforms. 

“We are now removing content containing the phrase ‘…

Alexander Hall | January 11, 2021

Update: A Facebook spokesperson has claimed in response to an inquiry that "While there were never any restrictions on Ron Paul's page, we restricted one admin's ability to post by mistake. We have corrected the error." Ron Paul has said that…

NB Staff | January 11, 2021

Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell and more than 30 conservative leaders issued the following statement Monday calling for the breakup of Big Tech companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple after their sweeping acts of…

Alexander Hall | January 7, 2021

Even as President Donald Trump called for peace, social media companies purged posts and his video and restricted his accounts, with at least two platforms removing his presence indefinitely.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg…

Alexander Hall | January 5, 2021

Once again, Facebook has been caught hosting a far-left group that harassed a sitting senator at his home.

“Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter, who can’t…

Kayla Sargent | January 5, 2021

Once again, one of Facebook’s fact-checkers has failed to acknowledge the facts — this time surrounding the origins of COVID-19. 

Now, even a leftist source has begun to concede that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab in Wuhan,…

Heather Moon | January 4, 2021

Online platforms got to use their favorite tool in 2020 before and even after the election: censorship.

During one of several Senate hearings into Big Tech bias this year, even the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter could not name a single high…