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UPDATE: Ilyse Hogue, president of the pro-baby killing National Abortion Rights Action League Pro-Choice America (NARAL), took credit for helping Facebook deplatform LifeSiteNews in a tweet. “Big news: Facebook deplatformed LifeSiteNews this week for gross distribution of COVID disinformation. This didn't happen because of their good will. @NARAL @mmfa @HRC @glaad worked to document these transgressions and share them with Facebook. And I have some thoughts.”

Hogue continued: “1st, we’ll take the win. The more platforms that ban LifeSite, the better because they are primary purveyors of some of the most toxic disinformation out there. BUT, it shouldn’t be on on us to prove that to Facebook. They need internal systems to do this job.”


Facebook quietly unpublished a pro-life page as the tech world focused on former President Donald Trump. The platform’s Oversight Board had an upcoming decision on the former president’s Facebook suspension when LifeSiteNews lost its page.

The LifeSiteNews Facebook page was removed on May 4 in what appeared to be the platform’s latest attempt to silence any dissent about COVID-19 vaccines.  A representative from LifeSiteNews told the Media Research Center in an email that Facebook had removed the page “for publishing this piece based on official government data.” The email included a link to an article titled “COVID Vaccines Can Be Deadly for Some.” The article explained: “[P]eople who have previously had COVID-19 will be at greater risk of adverse events if they receive Covid vaccination.” However, LifeSiteNews continued: “To be clear, this is a theory based on an understanding of immunology.” 

LifeSiteNews has encountered Big Tech censorship before. “Much like when LifeSite was removed from YouTube, this comes with little surprise,” LifeSiteNews Marketing Director Rebekah Roberts said in a statement from the organization. “We have known this day was coming for months now.” 

The news organization was also banned from YouTube in February 2021.

LifeSiteNews also claimed that its content was based on evidence. Roberts continued: “Our LifeSiteNews Facebook page has been removed simply because we have shared reports of doctors, nurses, expert researchers, and even the former Pfizer VP speaking out against the COVID shots. We’ve also been tagged for the numerous articles we have shared making the connection between the COVID shots, and really all vaccines, and aborted baby cell lines.”

Facebook was already in the midst of a lawsuit with the Children’s Health Defense for the platform’s censorship practices. The Facebook Oversight Board also decided to at least temporarily uphold Facebook’s ban of Trump. The platform even recently deleted a satire post from The Babylon Bee titled: “Dr. Fauci Reminds Everyone That We Will Only Have To Wear Masks Until Humans Evolve Organic Face Coverings At Birth.”

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Facebook headquarters at 1-650-308-7300 and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency, clarity on “hate speech” and equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us at the Media Research Center contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.