Sam Dorman | September 29, 2016

For two months prior to the first presidential debate, the networks’ evening news shows ignored news of "very weak" GDP growth in their broadcasts.

The Washington Examiner reported on Sept. 29, that the…

Sam Dorman | September 20, 2016

Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch tore into Hillary Clinton’s policies on Squawk Box, arguing that her push for climate justice was de facto “lawyer protection.”

“Basically what it is, it…

Sam Dorman | September 12, 2016

Squawk Box anchor Joe Kernen jabbed the Clinton campaign for staging a meeting between the Democratic presidential nominee and a little girl in New York City.

“It was so choreographed,” Kernen said on Sept. 12.…

Sam Dorman | September 1, 2016

A Wall Street Journal columnist had strong words for the NY attorney general’s fight against ExxonMobil.

“Their whole schtick now is to find enemies, and attack the enemies,” Journal columnist Holman Jenkins said of the…

Sam Dorman | August 22, 2016

When CNBC’s Joe Kernen calls someone out for liberal bias, it is usually one of his colleagues. This time, he hit ABC This Week anchor George Stephanopoulos.

“I love when Steph goes after the Republicans, man. He's tough.…

Sam Dorman | August 11, 2016

When it came to covering issues voters cared about, the networks didn’t catch ‘em all, especially the most important one.

According to the Pew Research Center, voters ranked the economy as their highest priority in July. But…

Mira Ebersole | July 29, 2016

CNBC’s business news coverage took a humorous turn when Squawk Box anchors Joe Kernen and Andrew Ross Sorkin’s conversation turned to social media. 

On July 27, after reporting that Twitter shares were down following a…

Mira Ebersole | July 22, 2016

On the eve of the Democratic convention, CNBC’s Joe Kernen wanted to know why the media have failed to challenge Hillary Clinton on the issue of her personal wealth and the controversy surrounding the Clinton Foundation.

Kernen, a…

Sam Dorman | July 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s proposal to spend $350 billion on “affordable” tuition may have been outrageous, but at least it provoked some poignant comments on the pitfalls of big government.

On July 6, Clinton proposed…

Mira Ebersole | June 24, 2016

Shocking the whole world, the British people voted on June 23, to leave the European Union — a move nicknamed Brexit.

Unexpectedly, the Leave voters won 52 to 48 percent. Although there was much anger at the decision, there were…

Mira Ebersole | June 16, 2016

Following the Labor Department’s disappointing report that only 38,000 jobs were added in May, the Federal Reserve decided on June 15, 2016, they would not raise interest rates.

CNBC Squawk Box co-anchor Joe Kernen reacted to the…

Mira Ebersole | June 3, 2016

In spite of expectations that 160,000 jobs or more were added in May, the latest jobs report was a shocker showing just 38,000 job gains last month.

CNBC’s Squawk Box panelists reacted live to that surprising Labor Department report…

Sam Dorman | May 13, 2016

CNBC anchors Joe Kernen and Michelle Caruso Cabrera poked fun at socialism, saying it equalized results, but made everything worse.

Cabrera said on Squawk Box May 12, that socialism brought about “equal suffering,” while…

Sam Dorman | May 3, 2016

Buffett executive Charlie Munger ridiculed the prospect of Trump and Cruz nominations during a CNBC appearance, by comparing their campaigns to a hopeless charge made during the Crimean War.

His comments came in response to Squawk Box…

Sam Dorman | April 7, 2016

The transgender CEO of United Therapeutics said the company disapproved of North Carolina’s transgender bathroom law, which CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin described as “anti-LGBT.”

 Squawk Box host Sorkin asked CEO…

Sam Dorman | March 22, 2016

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen took issue with a colleague’s coverage of protests at a recent Donald Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona.

CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood reported on March 21, that at that rally a Trump…

Sam Dorman | March 7, 2016

A tense exchange on CNBC suggested Joe Kernen might not trust his colleague John Harwood to ask tough questions when interviewing liberals.

Squawk Box co-host Kernen pressed Harwood, CNBC’s chief Washington correspondent, on whether…

Sam Dorman | March 2, 2016

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen sparred with a Democratic strategist over whether or not Democrats believe in the rule of law.

Kernen rebuffed strategist Steve McMahon’s claim that Democrats believed in the rule of law saying, “…

Sam Dorman | February 19, 2016

The Daily News’s provocative covers aren’t impressing everyone.

Squawk Box co-host Joe Kernen slammed the newspaper on Feb. 19, 2016, calling it a “rag” and a “joke” whose papers weren’t even…

Sam Dorman | December 23, 2015

Politicians often complain about America’s struggling middle class, but according to Squawk Box host Andrew Ross Sorkin, they should quit crying over spilt milk. Sorkin…