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National Baseball Hall of Famer Johnny Bench threw his support to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, and argued on CNBC’s Squawk Box that Trump could “change Washington.”

“I’m going for Donald,” Bench said on Oct. 3.

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Bench complained about the federal government, which he described as a “machine” and suggested Trump could reverse its current state: “There’s too many things that we’ve sort of become I think too comfortable with and allowed things to get away with.”

“I think it is time to have a change in Washington,” Bench added.


Bench was a catcher and played for the Cincinnati Reds from 1967 to 1983. He won two Most Valuable Player awards during his career.

In the past, Bench complained about the Affordable Care Act on Twitter. Bench tweeted in 2013 that he and his wife lost their insurance.

On Dec.3,  2013, Bench seemed to blame President Obama for his wife losing her insurance, tweeting , “My wife has been told her Insurance will be dropped! Not me, not at my age. Pres. Said u can keep it another year. Well 1 year is 3 months.”