
Luis Cornelio | May 1, 2023

A week after the shocking announcement that Tucker Carlson was leaving Fox News, the internet continues weighing in about who will replace Carlson and where he should head next. Popular podcaster Joe Rogan offered his insight Thursday.

Catherine Salgado | April 28, 2023

Twitter Files journalist Michael Shellenberger sounded the alarm on the expansion of the “Censorship Industrial Complex” based on new evidence. 

Now evidence shows the same campaign to target speech on Big Tech platforms was wielded…

Luis Cornelio | April 28, 2023

This Big Tech giant is finally speaking up about the dangers of TikTok and its parent company’s ties to the communist Chinese government, a month after not answering questions on the Chinese-tied app’s risks to national security. 

Catherine Salgado | April 27, 2023

The latest Twitter Files reveals how the old, Orwellan regime’s quest to find Russian bots spiraled out of control and ended in the wanton censorship of innocent Americans.

Independent journalist Matt Orfalea released Part 21 of the…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 27, 2023

When every major sector of elite society promotes censorship using the same words like misinformation and "information pollution," it almost seems like these people are working in tandem. The Twitter Files part 20 indicates that they are doing…

Luis Cornelio | April 27, 2023


Big Tech giant Google has taken to suppressing MRC Free Speech America in an apparent vendetta to punish the Media Research Center division for its work exposing its explicit anti-conservative bias and censorship.…

Catherine Salgado | April 27, 2023

Fox News China expert Gordon Chang revealed the startling reason why the Chinese Communist Party is requiring AI to “reflect socialist values” in its new artificial intelligence regulations.

The Communist Chinese government unveiled a…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 26, 2023

While Twitter is still throttling content, the platform will now notify users when it limits an account’s reach. It was the least the platform could do.

“Freedom of Speech, not reach,” Twitter Safety euphemized in a Monday tweet…

Catherine Salgado | April 25, 2023

The Daily Wire host Matt Walsh blasted YouTube for attempting to force him to use Dylan Mulvaney's preferred pronouns last week.

In a speech at the University of Iowa, Walsh described YouTube’s draconian policy that barred him from using…

Luis Cornelio | April 25, 2023

Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro took to Twitter to mock leftists who threw a fit over President Joe Biden’s apparent loss of Twitter’s verified checkmark, which was not true. 

“The President of the United States is no longer…

Luis Cornelio | April 21, 2023

The so-called collaboration between software company Oracle and the leftist Global Disinformation Index (GDI) is finally coming to an end, marking a victory for the free speech movement.

Oracle announced Thursday that it was halting its…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 21, 2023

The Meta Oversight Board circus came to town again pretending to hold Meta accountable for its out-of-control COVID-19 censorship collusion with government entities. But the board’s empty, highbrow language isn’t fooling anyone. 


Michael Morris, Autumn Johnson | April 21, 2023

Anti-free speech Google announced Thursday its decision to consolidate its AI research divisions to keep up with other Big Tech giants, despite its CEO’s insistence that AI advancement should slow down.

Google combined its DeepMind AI…

Catherine Salgado | April 20, 2023

The European Union Parliament is planning new regulations for AI, but with the government's tendency toward censorship and excessive control, it’s unclear whether that’s good or bad news.

Financial Times reported April 14 that the…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 19, 2023

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) drew attention to the hypocrisy of the federal government which he called “the greatest purveyor of disinformation” at a Tuesday hearing.

The senator referred to the Department of Homeland Security’s recently…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 18, 2023

Anti-free speech Facebook censored Alliance Defending Freedom and Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America for a video explaining a lawsuit against the FDA about abortion pill drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol.

Facebook flagged a video created…

Autumn Johnson | April 18, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk has been tweeting about a topic that many times gets conservatives censored on the platform. He voiced support for a new Florida law banning sex change surgery for minors. 

“Any parent or doctor who sterilizes…

Tom Olohan | April 18, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk didn’t mince words about the major threat that the explosion of artificial intelligence technology poses to society. He also blew the lid off the true severity of the government’s access to Twitter users’ data.


Joseph Vazquez | April 17, 2023

OpenAI’s leftist artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT is once again affirming that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, despite hedging in an earlier response.

MRC Free Speech America followed up on its Easter analysis questioning ChatGPT on a…

Joseph Vazquez | April 12, 2023

Twitter owner Elon Musk took the leftist U.K.-based BBC to the woodshed when the latter accused the platform of being plagued by a rise of so-called “hate speech.”

BBC North America technology reporter James Clayton bemoaned …