
Catherine Salgado | April 7, 2023

Anti-free speech Big Tech platform YouTube banned LifeSite News’ account, supposedly for “hate speech,” only two years after banning LifeSite’s original channel. YouTube is definitely sending a disturbing message with its censorship this Holy…

Gabriela Pariseau | April 7, 2023

As Holy Week, Easter and Passover are upon us, it’s crucial to remember what a blessing it is to live in a country with First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But aggressive censorship of religious speech online made…

Catherine Salgado | April 6, 2023

A technology researcher exposed a tool that apparently allowed the government to manipulate Twitter’s algorithm after the platform’s owner Elon Musk open-sourced the code.

Tech researcher and developer Steven Tey reportedly found a “…

Joseph Vazquez | April 6, 2023

A leftist journalism group financed by billionaire George Soros is releasing a new guide for reporters to help them fight "digital threats" like “disinformation,” despite its own sordid history of propping up ridiculous left-wing propaganda.…

Luis Cornelio | April 4, 2023

Anti-free speech Big Tech platform YouTube slapped RSBN with a seven-day ban the day prior it was scheduled to cover former President Trump’s NYC arraignment.

The Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) slammed YouTube…

Catherine Salgado | April 3, 2023

In an all-too-familiar fashion, Twitter locked the New York Post out of its account for a story about the deletion of thousands of tweets relating to violent transgender activism. Twitter owner Elon Musk defended the supposedly accidental…

Gabriela Pariseau | March 31, 2023

Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced late last night that Twitter’s “Algorithm goes open source at noon Pacific Time” (today). But the tweet begged a couple of questions: What does that mean and why is he doing this? MRC Free Speech America asked…

Luis Cornelio | March 31, 2023

Former U.S. athletes are slamming Twitter’s hypocrisy for censoring tweets reporting on the “Trans Day Of Vengeance” and not protecting them against the onslaught of Twitter harassment and death threats they faced when they spoke out against…

Catherine Salgado | March 31, 2023

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is calling on nine tech companies to answer whether they colluded with the federal government to censor Americans.

Sen. Cruz, who is a ranking member on the Senate Commerce Committee, announced in a March 29 press…

Joseph Vazquez | March 30, 2023


Despite public statements in support of free speech, censorship on Twitter has surprisingly increased since billionaire Elon Musk purchased the platform according to data from MRC Free Speech America's CensorTrack.org…

Renata Kiss | March 30, 2023

As the 2024 elections heat up, former President Donald Trump didn’t shy away from endorsing the prowess of his own social media platform over Elon Musk’s contentious Twitter.

On the Tuesday edition of Hannity on Fox News, Trump gushed…

Paiten Iselin | March 30, 2023

Big Tech, the American federal government and leftist elites are now plainly advocating for censorship of any information they don’t agree with, even if that information is verifiably true.

Mal-information is the latest ugly offspring…

Catherine Salgado | March 29, 2023

The same Biden administration-backed entity that was caught colluding with Big Tech to muzzle Americans through "intel" methods is back for more: This time around the group is cracking down on "gendered disinformation."

America First…

Luis Cornelio | March 29, 2023

The DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced that it officially halted its “Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation” (MDM) advisory subcommittee, according to a March 24 Racket News report…

Joseph Vazquez | March 28, 2023

In a shocking twist, The New York Times published a guest essay slamming the left’s favorite scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who actively suppressed the COVID-19 lab leak theory and branded it as disinformation.

Times contributing…

Luis Cornelio | March 27, 2023

A George Soros-funded media outlet is propping up arguments for a second Big Tech censorship of former President Donald Trump because of so-called “fringe” talks of “civil war” and “threats of violence.”

Potential unrest would be a test…

Paiten Iselin | March 24, 2023

UPDATE: After this piece's publication, YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon provided the following statement: "We issued a strike to the channel in question for violating our hate speech policy, which prohibits content promoting hatred…

Luis Cornelio | March 24, 2023

Leftists are once again calling for TikTok to censor even more free speech, demonstrating a complete obliviousness to the threats posed by the communist Chinese government-tied app TikTok to national security and consumers’ data.


Heather Moon | March 24, 2023

Surprising no one, recently published research has confirmed that ChatGPT has a clear leftist bias. The findings support the many recent reports of leftist results obtained from the popular AI model owned by OpenAI.

Researcher and…

Joseph Vazquez | March 23, 2023

The leftist Big Tech giants that waged a political vendetta against Parler when each banned the app from their platforms are now silent on whether or not the communist Chinese government-tied TikTok app should be banned.

TikTok was…