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The New York Times sparked fireworks on Twitter Tuesday, and not in a good way.

The Times is getting all the heat — and rightfully so — after whining that the so-called fight to combat misinformation could be curtailed following a judge order blocking the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech to violate the First Amendment.

The order marked a huge victory for free speech, but not for The Times, which took to Twitter to throw a hissy fit, saying, the ruling “could curtail efforts to fight disinformation.” Luckily, free speech advocates, including journalists and former government officials, wasted no time blasting the newspaper for blatant cheerleading for government-mandated censorship.

"The reporters at The New York Times are simply operatives for the Democratic Party pursuing a left-wing agenda," said MRC Vice President Dan Schneider. "The Times decided long ago to stop being a legitimate news outlet. It now doesn't even pretend to support the First Amendment, without which no news outlet would operate in America. Its refusal to defend the First Amendment is disturbing."

Journalist Michael Shellenberger, whose reporting in the Twitter Files has long exposed the government’s role in censoring online speech, blasted The Times, accusing it of openly cheerleading for government-mandated censorship. “This is not the same publication that it was not so long ago. Shame,” Shellengerber decried on Monday. Fellow journalist Aaron Maté echoed Shellenberger’s remarks citing The Times’ own wording. “I love when our ‘free press’ openly admits to supporting state censorship,” Maté tweeted.

Chiming in, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton called The Times’ journalists “extremist” for supporting government censorship. Similarly, journalist and podcast host Glenn Greenwald highlighted the hypocrisy of supposedly free speech entities, including newspapers, supporting censorship. In a Monday tweet, Greenwald said that “The most surreal fact of US political life is that the leading advocates for unified state/corporate censorship are large media corporations.”

Grabien Founder and journalist Tom Elliott supported Greenwald’s sentiments. “Let historians of the future see this tweet & recall how the NYT was agitating for more government control of media,” he declared.

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