Campaigns & Elections

Brian Bradley | January 20, 2022

Facebook and Twitter are doing nothing to curb flagrant disinformation spouted by President Joe Biden. During his press conference yesterday, Biden falsely claimed conservatives are already manipulating the 2022 midterm elections.


Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2021

The Washington Post tried to whip out the generic “Republicans have pounced” cliché in order to spin some of the attention on skyrocketing prices away from President Joe Biden.

The liberal newspaper released a revealing story headlined, “…

Joseph Vazquez | November 18, 2021

A leftist “dark money” group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros spent hundreds of millions of dollars in an obsessive effort to place Democrats in political power.

The notorious Sixteen Thirty Fund “doled out a whopping $410…

Autumn Johnson | October 31, 2021

Twitter was criticized after it failed to remove tweets suggesting that Glenn Youngkin, the GOP nominee for Virginia Governor, had white supremacists at a rally.

The rally members were later discovered to be Democrats with ties to the…

Joseph Vazquez | October 29, 2021

The left-wing media’s sad record of elevating President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” farce has crashed and burned so hard with Americans that even left-wing polls can’t hide it.

Navigator Research, which bills itself as a “resource for…

Joseph Vazquez | October 27, 2021

The leftist activist behind the liberal news operation Courier Newsroom is at it again with a new scheme that is being backed by some of America’s most notorious liberal billionaires.

Tara McGowan — founder of the “dark money” group…

Joseph Vazquez | October 7, 2021

The Dispatch actually tried to pass off a George Soros-funded group attacking The American Conservative Union as “nonpartisan.”

Dispatch staff writer Andrew Egger wrote a propaganda piece promoting how “federal investigators are currently…

Joseph Vazquez | September 30, 2021

American voters are not buying any of the propaganda the liberal media has been pushing in trying to sell the $3.5 trillion spending monstrosity put forward by the Democratic Party.

A new poll of 1,000 likely voters by Rasmussen Reports…

Joseph Vazquez | September 28, 2021

The glowing predictions New York Times economist Paul Krugman made about ‘Bidenomics’ are falling flat, so he’s taken to attacking moderate Democrats and suggesting white working-class voters are racist.

Krugman screeched in a new op-ed…

Joseph Vazquez | September 22, 2021

Climate activist James Murdoch gave at least $1 million to a group fighting to undermine state oversight of elections. That same group also backed Big Tech censorship against former President Donald Trump.

Murdoch — the estranged son of…

Alec Schemmel | September 21, 2021

Big Tech overwhelmingly censors Republican members of Congress by a rate of 53-to-1 compared to congressional Democrats.

That censorship has hit Republican Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Ron Johnson (WI), Rep. Jim Jordan (OH) and other…

Autumn Johnson | September 15, 2021

This week, conservatives have strongly pushed back on Twitter against the Federal Election Commission after it ruled that the social media platform didn't violate federal election law for censor a new story. The case centered on…

Joseph Vazquez | September 14, 2021

News Corporation Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch’s estranged son and avowed climate activist James Murdoch used his Quadrivium Foundation to fund a leftist organization behind Google and Facebook’s notorious 2020 election strategy.


Alexander Hall | September 7, 2021

SECOND UPDATE: A spokesperson for Twitter reportedly claimed to Bloomberg that Vance's press account was suspended in error for violating its impersonation policy. UPDATE: The press account is now back online, but claimed in a tweet…

Joseph Vazquez | September 2, 2021

Leftist billionaire George Soros is trying to save disgraced Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) political career.

Campaign finance data show that Soros has poured $1 million so far to protect the far-left Newsom from political doom by the…

Joseph Vazquez | July 20, 2021

Leave it to liberal grifter Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin to make a fool of herself by complaining that corporate America isn’t woke enough on voting rights.

Rubin’s new whiny op-ed was headlined “Corporate America must…

Joseph Vazquez | July 2, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court handed a stunning defeat to the enemies of the First Amendment by invalidating a California law forcing nonprofits to disclose their largest donors — and liberals are losing it.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the…

Joseph Vazquez | June 29, 2021

The liberal media hate when big corporations step outside of the woke narrative and support congressional GOP members who thought the 2020 elections were shady.

Axios’s hit piece was headlined, “Toyota leads companies in election-objector…

Joseph Vazquez | June 23, 2021

The New York Times acted as the public relations arm for a leftist group funded by far-left billionaire George Soros and its multimillion-dollar efforts to fight voter integrity laws.

The Times propagandized how the radical super PAC…

Joseph Vazquez | May 24, 2021

Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Pete Hegseth had one piece of advice to give former President Donald Trump for his upcoming rallies: Hammer President Joe Biden’s disastrous handling of the economy.

Hegseth advised Trump to “look…