Campaigns & Elections

Joseph Vazquez | January 27, 2021

The leader of a radical eco-extremist group celebrated President Joe Biden canceling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, even as the move killed thousands of jobs.

Co-founder of and New Yorker contributor Bill McKibben…

Joseph Vazquez | January 25, 2021

Bloomberg News blew away the left’s hypocritical outrage about conservative “dark money” by tying President Joe Biden to precisely that kind of campaign funding — after the election, of course. 

The liberal outlet admitted…

Joseph Vazquez | January 22, 2021

Not even a full day had gone by in President Joe Biden’s administration, and Big Tech had already taken to Twitter to do public relations for his leftist agenda.

Twitter, Amazon, IBM, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google CEO…

Joseph Vazquez | January 21, 2021

Parler CEO John Matze flipped the script on Amazon, which had accused his platform of inciting violence and removed it from its web services as a result. 

Matze and his family have since gone into hiding after…

Joseph Vazquez | January 19, 2021

Liberal billionaire George Soros was pretty adamant about ensuring that pro-baby-killing candidates were able to get a boost from some of the most extreme abortion groups in the 2020 elections.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records…

Joseph Vazquez | January 15, 2021

There’s a high price to pay for banning President Donald Trump from social media platforms, and both Twitter and Facebook are feeling the massive bite out of their wallets for doing just that.

Both Twitter and Facebook “have collectively…

Joseph Vazquez | January 15, 2021

The publisher of The Bulwark and executive director for one of NeverTrumper Bill Kristol’s get-rid-of-Trump campaigns is a donor to President-elect Joe Biden. 

Kristol’s Republican Accountability Project (RAP) is working to…

Joseph Vazquez | January 14, 2021

Big Tech and Big Telecom are punishing GOP members in the House of Representatives and the Senate whose politics they don’t like.

Amazon, Airbnb, AT&T, Comcast, Verizon (parent company of Yahoo! News) and Intel were all reported to be…

Joseph Vazquez | January 12, 2021

Go woke, or go broke? Orwellian platform Twitter has now experienced the effects of that principle for the draconian anti-free speech measures it has wielded lately.

Yahoo! News reported that Twitter shares dive-bombed more “than 10% on…

Joseph Vazquez | January 11, 2021

Forbes magazine abandoned any illusion of its free-market stance by issuing a threat to any company that chooses to hire some individuals who worked for President Donald Trump.

Chief Content Officer of Forbes Media and editor of Forbes…

Joseph Vazquez | January 8, 2021

Rule of thumb: Always be skeptical of a company that tries to act woke, especially when CNN blowhard Brian Stelter is pushing it.

Publishing company Simon & Schuster tried to do just that by canceling publication of Missouri…

Joseph Vazquez | January 6, 2021

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published a babbling op-ed smearing Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Russ Vought.

It’s worth noting that Milbank is the same individual who disturbingly said he’d eat his own print…

Joseph Vazquez | January 4, 2021

Just the News Editor in Chief John Solomon didn’t let former Vice President Joe Biden get away with attacking the Trump economy, especially since several members of Team Biden have made millions from it.

As Solomon put it, new…

Corinne Weaver | January 4, 2021

It may be a new year, but Twitter is still up to the same old tricks.

Twitter never took a holiday break when it came to labeling President Donald Trump’s tweets and the tweets of his campaign, @TeamTrump. In the past seven days, 42…

Joseph Vazquez | December 30, 2020

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) broke the internet when he announced that he would be objecting to certification of the Electoral College results on January 6. 

He also broke one of America’s leading retailers. Walmart attacked…

Joseph Vazquez | December 29, 2020

Outsiders are funding nearly the entire cost of Georgia’s Democrat Senate candidates Jon Ossoff’s and Rev. Raphael Warnock’s campaigns, a new report said.

This is the same Fidel Castro-sympathizing Warnock who referred to himself…

Joseph Vazquez | December 28, 2020

It’s a cold day in hell when leftist CNN concedes that President Donald Trump actually “won” anything.

But a recent CNN story was literally headlined, “How Trump won the economic message battle.” CNN Politics senior writer…

Joseph Vazquez | December 23, 2020

Fox Business host Charles Payne had no patience for incoming “Squad” member Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) absurd claim that American capitalism is “'slavery by another name.'”

During the Dec. 22 edition of America’s Newsroom on…

Joseph Vazquez | December 22, 2020

Editor's Note, 4:58 p.m. Eastern: According to FEC records, there is another Sara Murray in Washington D.C. at the same zip code whose occupation is a nutritionist. Prior to this post's publication, MRC reached out to several CNN officials for…

Joseph Vazquez | December 21, 2020

News broke that former Vice President Joe Biden was actually considering Chinese communist-sympathizing Walt Disney Company Executive Chairman Robert Iger to become the U.S. ambassador to China.

This potential…