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Leave it to liberal grifter Washington Post opinion columnist Jennifer Rubin to make a fool of herself by complaining that corporate America isn’t woke enough on voting rights.

Rubin’s new whiny op-ed was headlined “Corporate America must commit to action on voting rights.” The self-described “pro-democracy opinion writer” flailed that corporations “talked a good game” after George Floyd’s murder. But that wasn’t enough for Rubin.

She decried how there “has been little concrete evidence [corporate America is] working to preserve democracy and the rule of law on which their businesses rely.” 

Rubin praised a letter signed by more than 150 companies urging Congress to “‘enact the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act [JLVRAA].’” The Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow Hans von Spakovsky said  the JLVRAA was “a dangerous bill that violates basic principles of federalism.”

Then, Rubin became unhinged: “The letter, however, was silent on the rash of Jim Crow laws pushed by Republicans in state legislatures or on whether they would support some version of H.R. 1.’” Rubin couldn’t stop spewing leftist dribble: “[Corporate America’s] silence about the ongoing threat of voter suppression and vote manipulation (i.e., the empowerment of partisan players to overturn election results) amounts to enabling these nefarious activities.” [Emphasis added.]

She then gave a laundry list of crazy, leftist wish list items for a “democracy pledge” that she pontificated “[v]oting rights advocates and the White House'' should encourage businesses to sign. The items included the following fantasies:

  • “Supporting the proposed, slimmed-down version of H.R 1/S.R. 1 that Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) offered.”
  • “Making Election Day a paid holiday.”
  • “Refusing — and actually meaning it this time -- to support any politician at any level of government who promotes the big lie of a stolen election or who sought to overturn the election results in 2020. (That would still leave them free to support scores of Republicans in House, Senate and state elections.)”
  • “Making clear that they would consider state voting laws when deciding to locate new operations.”
  • “Refusing to commit advertising dollars to social media platforms that do not follow their own guidelines on election disinformation and hate speech.”

But here’s the best part: Rubin argued that outside civil rights activists like leftist voting fanatic Stacey Abrams to “take the lead in drafting the pledge and persuading corporations to sign.” The biggest claim to fame for Abrams was losing the Georgia gubernatorial election in 2018. 

Conservatives are under attack. Contact The Washington Post at 202-334-6000 and demand it distance itself from Rubin’s extremism on voting.