June 3, 2009
If we would just inflate our tires and get regular tune-ups, drilling for oil would be unnecessary.
Now one of the many czars of the Oz-bama Regime has blithely suggested we should all be ordered to paint the roofs of our houses white – that doing…
May 27, 2009
When the Tax Day Tea Party protests happened on April 15, the idea of government spending us into bankruptcy seemed hard for some to grasp. A month-and-a-half later, they have a perfect example – California.
California is the Golden State no more.…
May 27, 2009
I am having an evermore difficult time deciding if President Obama is a comedian pulling our collective leg, or he really has as much arrogant disdain for the people paying all the bills he’s printing as his silly statements suggest.
The most…
May 27, 2009
To a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. To a community organizer, every citizen looks like a victim entitled to someone else’s money.
The Obama campaign and administration has proved that again and again. But both the president and…
May 20, 2009
It’s 8 feet of automotive amusement wrapped around a rockin’ “3-cylinder, 1-liter gasoline powered engine.” OK, that’s only impressive if you like driving around in a golf-cart with sides or you find a riding mower cooler than a Maserati.
Meet the…
May 20, 2009
At this point the title ‘president’ seems so inadequate. Something grander and more glorious and imperial is needed. For want of any better idea, I’ve decided to use “The Great And Wonderful Ozbama.”
After all, just four months into his reign, he…
May 13, 2009
The news is boiling over with claims of conservative anger or hatred. Those on the right are depicted as knuckle-dragging savages eager to pick up their guns to shoot police or attack others they disagree with.
But for all that poorly aimed…
May 13, 2009
Something I saw on the“Today Show” May 6 unnerved me. A financial expert was on, answering questions from viewers. One, a well-dressed, articulate woman, identified herself as the wife of a chiropractor who had closed his practice but still owed a…
May 6, 2009
What do you do if your country is too incompetent to drill for oil effectively? Drill an oil company instead.
That’s exactly what tiny Ecuador is trying to do to oil giant Chevron – with the help of brain-dead American celebs, left-wing front…
April 29, 2009
April 20 was certainly a red letter day for America.
That was when President Obama held his first photo-op cabinet meeting, noisily giving them their marching orders: find ways to save $100-million in 100 days. And then he proudly told all of us…