August 5, 2009
So Democrats don’t like all those ads for prescription drugs on T.V. – the ones for high cholesterol, enlarged prostates, dry eyes and, yes, ED. On C-Span recently, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D., Calif., said “a lot…
August 4, 2009
What goes up must come down. Unless it goes down further, sideways or moves some other way that no one really predicted.
That’s the way economics really works and no matter how many talking heads – right, left and center – tell you otherwise, most…
July 30, 2009
Could it be that the dire and desperate need for health care reform is overblown? Maybe the epic number of people suffering with no health care thanks to our badly broken system is exaggerated? Is it possible that health care doesn’t need to be…
July 29, 2009
It’s the peak of summer – when sane people vacation and even Congress has recess. Last summer, it was also time for gas prices that peaked at stratospheric sums.
This summer not so much. While drivers might be thrilled, America’s media are unhappy…
July 23, 2009
Twice in the past week or so President Obama has insisted that his $780 billion-and-then-some stimulus package is working “as intended” and “as anticipated.”
Apologists and defenders in his administration and in the media scurried to give him cover…
July 15, 2009
Say the words “just a bill” and our TV civics lesson takes hold. Without realizing it, millions of Americans would instantly start humming a Schoolhouse Rock song entitled “I’m Just a Bill.”
The song is cartoon version of how a bill becomes a law.…
July 15, 2009
Rejoice! The Amazing Ozbama is slowly disintegrating into OOPS-Bama.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the quietly growing, simmering buyers’ remorse - the realization that the President is anything but his promise, that his change is far more…
July 15, 2009
Nearly 90 years ago Ludwig von Mises, one of the founders of the Austrian school of economics, pointed out that once government intervenes in a market it creates unintended consequences that lead to further government intervention. This process…
July 8, 2009
Recently I had a long lunch with an old friend. He sits on the board of one of the largest and most successful publicly traded regional banks in America. He got his seat when that regional bank acquired the very successful community bank he built…
July 8, 2009
Nearly 200 years ago, emperor Napoleon came back from exile and re-conquered France without firing a shot. His conquest of Europe failed when Napoleon, in proper English terms, was soundly thrashed at Waterloo by the Duke of Wellington.