March 18, 2009
Republicans are derided as the party in disarray and, with Michael Steele at the helm, there is little wonder. GOP stalwarts are often depicted as dinosaurs by a disparaging press or by faux conservatives who are hired by the disparaging press. (See…
March 18, 2009
I remember when “60 Minutes” wasn’t so warm ‘n cuddly. Sunday night Ben Bernanke dodged a question by simply saying “It’s difficult to make predictions.” The interviewer let it go.
I might have responded to Bernanke by pointing out that the…
March 11, 2009
Maybe nobody’s noticed – I haven’t heard any pundits mention – that Obama’s next tax scheme punishes married successful people even more than unmarried successful people.
As I understand it, Obama’s tax attack begins at $200,000 of income for an…
March 11, 2009
This is the winter of environmentalists’ discontent. They desperately want the earth to be warming to prove Al Gore’s truth inviolate and they are going to make you pay thousands of dollars for it no matter whether it’s true or not.
But the weather…
March 4, 2009
In the 2004 movie “Garden State,” Natalie Portman plays Sam, a character who just can’t stop lying. “I don't even know why I do it. It's like ... it's like a tick, I mean sometimes I hear myself say something and then I think, Wow, that wasn't even…
March 3, 2009
Imagine my surprise to hear Chris Matthews, on his February 26 broadcast, enthusiastically announce that President Obama is “promising to tax the rich people in order to pay for health care for the working people.”
Dear Mr. Matthews: maybe you are a…
February 25, 2009
Only in America does the term “tea party” sound ominous. In much of the world, it’s a high-falootin,’ civilized gathering. In the U.S., it has meant tax rebellion ever since a few Boston patriots decided they liked their tea mixed with salt water…
February 25, 2009
We know they’re chummy. We know she knows cars – she’s given them to every member of her audience before. So why shouldn’t President Obama install his pal Oprah as the new federal Car Czar and let her run one more government giveaway lollapalooza?…
February 18, 2009
President Obama’s nearly $800-billion stimulus package finally passed – including the mini-tax break of $400 per person. That’s about enough money for each taxpayer to go to lunch once a week – but only for fast food. At $7.69 a week, Obama’s “…
February 18, 2009
Last week, President Obama explained as if talking to the dim-witted that stimulus is synonymous with spending. The fawning media swallowed it whole and regurgitated it as gospel.
While I did not go to Harvard, I do own a dictionary. Several, in…