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     Global warming must already have fried our brains. George Bush and the Congress can’t wait to pour more subsidies into corn ethanol. Indonesia is clearing tropical forest to grow palm oil for Europe’s diesel engines. Canada is about to…

Jeff Poor | May 22, 2007

     “We’re starting with a story that affects hundreds of thousands of Americans because a new study out today says a drug they take increases their chances of having a heart attack and dying,” said anchor Katie Couric on the…

Amy Menefee | May 21, 2007

     Score one for the ol’ American Dream.


     Many news reports had been telling us it was dead. But the May 21 USA Today offered some hope – and a brand new spin on the class warfare…

Dan Gainor | May 18, 2007

     The book “Silent Spring” set in motion the banning of DDT and needlessly cost millions of lives. The Washington Post chose to mark author Rachel Carson’s 100th birthday by barely mentioning that her actions “have remained…

Dan Gainor | May 17, 2007

     Only a network anchor could think that earning nearly four times the median household income is “modest.”

     That was CNN “American Morning” anchor John Roberts’ take on Sen. Barack Obama’s (…

Julia A. Seymour | May 17, 2007

     Rep. Connie Mack (R-Fla.) sits on the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He has taken an interest in the threat Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez poses to the United States. Mack was so concerned with Chavez’s propaganda efforts of selling low-…

Julia A. Seymour | May 16, 2007

     Mayday – Latin dictator has seized control of American oil fields owned by Chevron, ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil and is about to take over the media.


     That’s exactly what…

BMI Staff | May 16, 2007
A Thieving Dictator Only U.S. Media Could Love A socialist Latin American leader seizes…
Dan Gainor | May 15, 2007

     It was almost like CBS’s version of “To Catch A Predator.” “Evening News” anchor Katie Couric warned: “They’re after your children and your grandchildren.”


     By “they,” she meant…

Julia A. Seymour | May 11, 2007

     Colin Beavan – the man forgoing electricity, carbon-emitting transportation and toilet paper – was flatteringly featured on ABC’s “Nightline” on May 10. But not once did the program mention his “radical experiment” is…

Dan Gainor | May 9, 2007

See Executive Summary

If you want to drive faster, you hit the gas. Network news shows that want higher ratings do the same thing, except they hit gas prices.      Now that gasoline has topped $3 nationally for 2007, the networks are…

Dan Gainor | May 9, 2007

See Full Story

Gas prices have again passed $3 a gallon. But Americans should be used to high prices by now – the mainstream media have been warning them of $4, $5 and even $6 a gallon for more than two years. According to a May 7, 2007,…

BMI Staff | May 9, 2007
Gassing Up If you think $3 for a gallon of gas is high, you havent been…
Dan Gainor | May 9, 2007

     Head for the hills; gas prices are over $3 – just make sure you carpool.

     That’s the message network Chicken Littles are telling viewers as they hype so-called “record prices” and warn of an economic cataclysm tied to $4-, $5-…

Julia A. Seymour | May 9, 2007

     “Eight states have no laws at all regulating these vehicles, 12 others have no minimum riding age, so now some senators want to consider federal restrictions,” said consumer correspondent Elisabeth Leamy.


Julia A. Seymour | May 8, 2007

     Both CBS “Evening News” and ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” reported that the national average price for gasoline was “just two cents short of the record.”

     But the networks’ two cents were wrong.


Dan Gainor | May 6, 2007

     Apparently, saving the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns…

Julia A. Seymour | May 4, 2007

     “Business is Back,” blares the headline, accompanied by a cover graphic of a fist punching through the page of the May 14 issue of Fortune magazine.


     “No CEO dares say it, yet…

Julia A. Seymour | May 3, 2007

     Both ABC and CBS evening news programs praised a new drug that could save lives threatened by osteoporosis. But they didn’t say what company spent years and millions of dollars developing it.



BMI Staff | May 2, 2007
Networks Chip Away at Dow Milestones  How many times does the Dow have to…