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Gary Wolfram, Ph.D. | May 2, 2007

     The stock market is reflecting the strength of the American economy. The Dow broke 13,000 on April 25 for good reason.

     Corporate earnings are strong, the economy is growing, tax revenues are up and the federal budget deficit…

Julia A. Seymour | May 2, 2007

     As a major stock index rose to “uncharted territory,” the media collectively frowned instead of celebrating.

     After 9/11 the stock markets plunged, but they began to recover after the passage of the 2003 Bush tax cuts. The Dow…

Dan Gainor | May 1, 2007

     Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? It’s not for sale, but even if it were, BusinessWeek doesn’t think you should be able to buy it.


     The May 7 issue warned that “privateers” (…

Rachel Waters | April 30, 2007

      “Mind the gap” isn’t just for the London Underground anymore. The April 28 edition of CNN’s “In the Money” lamented a gap in pay between men and women, but the segment itself had a few gaps.  


     Corn prices are up. Demand is up. That much the “CBS Evening News” reported. But the April 27 report left out the primary reason.


      “It’s a gold rush everyone wants to get…

Jeff Poor | April 30, 2007

     One CEO has embraced the idea of letting shareholders vote on his pay, and the “CBS Evening News” embraced him for it.


      “In one work day, America…

Dan Gainor | April 30, 2007

     Gas prices are high, but CNN wants them higher. Lots higher. CNN’s Allen Wastler told viewers April 28 that the government should increase the price with a huge new tax. “Put in a tax to make it $4 a gallon right now,” he…

Julia A. Seymour | April 26, 2007

     You can’t get much more ironic than wanting more funding for federal food grants for obese people. But that was essentially what Dr. Sanjay Gupta pushed on CNN “American Morning.”

     “WIC is on the chopping block,” said the CNN…

Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2007

     ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” fanned flames of class warfare with a story about the high incomes of hedge fund managers, leaving out how much these individuals must be paying in taxes or how much profit they had…

Amy Menefee | April 25, 2007

     I’m a rare combination: a trained journalist who grew up understanding the value of guns.

     My dad taught me how to shoot and made sure I understood safety, my rights and my responsibility – namely, that the government wouldn’t…

BMI Staff | April 25, 2007
Media Blame Businesses in the Wake of Tech Tragedy Unwilling to stop at the Virginia…
Julia A. Seymour | April 25, 2007

     Last week after tragedy struck Virginia Tech and a gunman took 32 innocent lives, the media portrayed legal businesses as complicit in the murders.

     The media coverage quickly turned into a raging debate about gun control, with…

Dan Gainor | April 24, 2007

     How do you fix problems with government? With more government, of course. That’s the CBS strategy based on reported problems at the Food and Drug Administration. In a two-story effort, the network pushed for more legislation, more…

Kristen Fyfe | April 24, 2007

In his April 23 story, “Drawing a Line from Movie to Murder,” New York Times movie reviewer A.O. Scott turns a blind eye toward the evidence as he seeks to debunk people who argue that Seung-Hui Cho was influenced by the violence that pervades…

Dan Gainor | April 23, 2007

     Perhaps CNN’s “Open House” should be renamed to “Open Bias.” The April 21 show had host Gerri Willis issuing her own call for new mortgage regulations.

     In a short segment on the subprime…

Rachel Waters | April 23, 2007

     Would-be president Dennis Kucinich voiced “concern” over possible “$4 a gallon” summer gas prices and directed blame toward oil companies on CNN’s “In the Money.”

     Hosts Ali Velshi and Christine Romans lobbed softball questions…

Dan Gainor | April 23, 2007

     The headline read like a press release: “Democrats Craft New Tax Rules, New Image.” It might as well have been one.


     The April 23 Washington Post front-page story depicted…

Julia A. Seymour | April 20, 2007

     The Christian Science Monitor gave a green thumbs up to a recent EPA decision mandating emission standards for new lawnmowers. It downplayed one detail about the increased regulation – higher costs.

     “[H]elp is on the way.…

Julia A. Seymour | April 19, 2007

     “Good Morning America” weatherman Sam Champion gushed on April 19 in a report about an “eco-friendly” house and green home furnishings, but buried even the mildest mention of the costs.

     “There’s many simple, even money-saving…

Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2007

     There is more than a few letters different between “silent” and “silenced.”

     In the case of “lost credibility” of “almost silenced,” climate scientists who disagree with Al Gore’s climate consensus, BusinessWeek gave the…