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BMI Staff | April 18, 2007
Green Day(s) All Year 'Round No trees are dying for you to read…
Dan Gainor | April 18, 2007
     The answer to the old riddle “What’s black and white and read all over?” is a newspaper. The new riddle is “What’s black and white and green all over?”        Now it’s a magazine.        On newsstands today, you can find enough “green issues…
Julia A. Seymour | April 18, 2007

     Green activism is all the rage these days, with events taking up so much calendar space you might need a separate one just to keep track – just be sure it’s printed on post-consumer recycled paper, of course.

     Many of these…

Dan Gainor | April 17, 2007

     Even when its actions “create a tremendous number of potential conflicts,” The New York Times treats AARP with respect and softens any criticism by consulting only the group’s friends.

     AARP announced it will start offering…

Amy Menefee, Rachel Waters | April 16, 2007

     Guilty until proven innocent – that was the verdict for the student loan industry on CNN’s “In the Money.”

     The show’s anchors turned a story on investigation of college financial aid offices into a diatribe on corporate…

Julia A. Seymour | April 13, 2007

     With tax filing deadlines just around the corner, “American Morning” focused on the alternative minimum tax, a parallel tax structure that struck about 3.5 million taxpayers last year.

     Business reporter Ali Velshi explained on…

Dan Gainor | April 12, 2007

     Mandatory government regulation of carbon dioxide is “the right direction” to combat global warming according to CNN’s Ali Velshi.

     Velshi’s April 12 “American Morning” report detailed how ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) CEO James…

Dan Gainor | April 11, 2007

     The radical left is after Big Oil again, and so is CNN. The April 11 “American Morning” business segment had anchor Miles O’Brien echoing a congressman’s attack on the oil industry. “A congressional chairman flexes his muscle with Big Oil…

Julia A. Seymour | April 11, 2007

     Several vocal members of Congress are calling for Alternative Minimum Tax reform, claiming to rescue the middle class. What the media aren’t telling you is that these are the same politicians who helped created this monster.


BMI Staff | April 11, 2007
Media Amnesia Strikes on AMT Reform House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has…
Herman Cain | April 11, 2007

     If you’re getting a tax refund this year, you’re probably excited. How will you use the money? Save it for a rainy-day pizza party? Upgrade your basic cable TV? If you didn’t get a refund, you’ll especially want to read on.


Dan Gainor | April 10, 2007

     In real estate, it’s “location, location, location.” Newsweek magazine’s April 16 issues show location also is a factor in what the media tell you about global warming. M.I.T. Prof. Richard Lindzen’s column poking holes in global warming…

Dan Gainor | April 10, 2007

     You say tomato. CNN says paying more for that tomato is doing the “right thing.”

     At least the April 10 “American Morning” team treated McDonald’s OK in their report about the fast food giant agreeing to pay 1 cent more per pound…

Dan Gainor | April 9, 2007

     Vanity Fair wants to doom conservatives and businesses to the many layers of Dante’s hell for daring to question global warming dogma.

     The two-page “Dante’s Inferno: Green Edition” was part of Vanity Fair’s full-issue attack…

Dan Gainor | April 9, 2007

     Who needs Nostradamus when you have CNN’s “American Morning"? Instead of waiting for someone to complain about a big executive payday, the April 9 show’s team whined about its own pay and predicted the AFL-CIO would chime…

Dan Gainor | April 6, 2007

     Time is money. Those words took on special meaning when Time magazine gave its readers “51 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference” and stop global warming.

     Some recommendations were enough to line pockets around the globe,…

Julia A. Seymour | April 6, 2007

     “There is a danger lurking in millions of kitchens,” warned CNN anchor Kiran Chetry on the April 6 “American Morning.”

      Chetry was teasing reporter Greg Hunter’s story on the need for even more government regulation, this time…

Julia A. Seymour | April 5, 2007

     As one of the greatest tournaments in golf got under way on April 5, the front page of The Washington Post sports section complained about fair ways.

     Not fairways, which have been lengthened in recent years to adjust for…

Dan Gainor | April 5, 2007

     Time has a case of bad boss syndrome. Just like the dreaded Bill Lumbergh in “Office Space,” Time wants to tell workers, and bosses too, how to run their businesses, their computers and maybe even where to move their desks or take their…

Dan Gainor | April 4, 2007

     One of the most ridiculous suggestions among Time magazine’s “51 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference” was the idea of making only right turns. No, that doesn’t presage some political shift for the publication. Right turns, in this case,…