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Dan Gainor | June 20, 2007

     Go green young man.

     A twist on Horace Greeley’s famous advice is growing from a suggestion into a media mandate. Everywhere, they tell us, America and the world are “going green.”

     It’s more than just a buzzword…

Jeff Poor | June 20, 2007

     Not only is global warming threatening civilization, it could threaten the $662 billion international tourism industry long-term according to the CBS “Evening News.”



Julia A. Seymour | June 20, 2007

     Environmentalism is hip, green celebrities are “very sexy” and saving the planet is “simple,” according to the media.


     The deluge of celebrity books, films and even rock…

BMI Staff | June 20, 2007
Too Busy Admiring Greens to Notice What They're Really About Environmentalists…
Jeff Poor | June 19, 2007

     Socialism has its perks, according to BusinessWeek.  


     In the June 25 issue, Geri Smith wrote that “in some respects, business has never been better,” despite Hugo Chávez’s…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2007

     Leading up to the June 29 U.S. release of Michael Moore’s “Sicko,” increased government health care programs are the common prescription in the mainstream media.


     A June 17 “…

Jeff Poor | June 18, 2007

     The latest slant on student loans: private lenders essentially steal food off borrowers’ tables.


     A woman who earns only $200 more a month than she pays toward her student…

Jeff Poor | June 15, 2007

     What does it take to be called a “New Action Hero” by Time magazine? A left-wing political agenda that includes global warming, publicly-funded stem cell research, radical gun control, government-subsidized housing or an…

Jeff Poor | June 14, 2007

     You know the scorpion that killed the frog in that old fable? According to Columbia Journalism Review, that’s Rupert Murdoch.


     CJR, a magazine for “professional journalists…

Jeff Poor | June 14, 2007

     R.I.P. Toucan Sam (1963-2007). Chalk another victory up for the fat police.


     CBS “Early Show” anchor Hannah Storm supported getting rid of the characters on June 14.

Jeff Poor | June 13, 2007

     ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” reported foreclosure statistics furnished by RealtyTrac, a commonly used barometer of the real estate market, on its June 12 broadcast. “Today we learned that more than 176,000 home…

Dan Gainor | June 13, 2007

     It used to be that you could buy a newspaper on the corner for a penny, a nickel or even a dime. Or the paperboy delivered it to your door, came around another time and collected a whole month’s worth for just a few dollars.


Jeff Poor | June 13, 2007

    Many baby boomers are planning a “late” retirement and CBS “Evening News” thinks that’s a problem. The June 12 report led viewers to believe boomers were being forced to work into and past retirement age, but that wasn’t…

Julia A. Seymour | June 13, 2007

     It’s graduation season again. Time for college graduates to go find jobs that will pay their bills, and for many that will include a student loan payment.


     Student loans make a…

Ryan Burke | June 13, 2007

     Americans work hard for their money. Too hard, according to CNN. Even worse than even grovelling medieval peasants scratching the land to survive.


     That conclusion came from reporter…

BMI Staff | June 13, 2007
Media Exaggerate Student Loan 'Crisis' Say the word kickback…
Jeff Poor | June 12, 2007

     CNN “American Morning” co-host John Roberts conducted an interview with the mother of a Staten Island teenage track athlete who died tragically in an apparent overdose of a well-known muscle soreness cream. The athlete’s…

Jeff Poor | June 12, 2007

     Michael Moore doesn’t need an advertising budget for his new film, “Sicko.” The media are doing a fine job getting out the word.


     The June 12 “American Morning” featured almost…

Jeff Poor | June 11, 2007

     The June 10 issue of The New York Times Magazine scrutinized the income gap and showcased Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards’ “War on Poverty” in a 34-page, 21,000-word article co-authored by four people.…

Jeff Poor | June 11, 2007

     “America’s CEOs are raking in big, huge, fat wads of cash,” said CNN’s Stephanie Elam on the June 11 “American Morning.”


     The latest scrutiny of executive compensation took a…