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Ryan Burke | July 17, 2007

     The Iraq War is too expensive. Americans would be better off spending it on schools and hospitals. That’s the word from CNN’s July 14 “Your $$$$$” or “Your Money” program.



Jeff Poor | July 16, 2007

      “But why don't you tell the truth to the American people? I mean, I wish that CNN and the other mainstream media would just for once tell the truth about what's going on in this country, whether it's with health…

Jeff Poor | July 13, 2007

     Michael Moore and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann should form a mutual admiration society.


     The filmmaker, who got sidetracked with his praise for Olbermann’s “incredible” war…

Jeff Poor | July 13, 2007

     It’s good news when stocks soar to new records. That means the economy is showing signs of strength and a stronger economy means a better standard of living for Americans, right?



Jeff Poor | July 12, 2007

     Did you make a mistake balancing your checkbook and withdraw more money than you had in your account? Are you upset about the overdraft fee it cost you?


     Well, your mistake isn’…

Jeff Poor | July 12, 2007

     The recycling craze isn’t the perfect, planet-saving method many environmental enthusiasts want you to believe, according to the CBS “Evening News.”

     It seems recycling may be deadly.

     “The business of recycling…

Jeff Poor | July 11, 2007

     For nearly 800 years, long before the days of outsourcing, world oil markets and the Internet, there has been a global economy of sorts. Since the days of Marco Polo and the spice trade, people have been getting…

Julia A. Seymour | July 11, 2007

     Sweltering heat is sweeping the nation, ushering in fears that the “slammed” power grid won’t be able to meet the demands of consumers desperate to keep cool.


     But as much as…

BMI Staff | July 11, 2007
Journalists Contribute to Power Gridlock As a heat…
Jeff Poor | July 11, 2007

     The Michael Moore jihad against CNN spilled over on to the set of “Larry King Live” July 10. Moore followed up his July 9 tantrum about CNN’s Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta by going toe-to-toe with Gupta.

Dan Gainor | July 11, 2007

     Say the word “Fark” and you either get knowing smirks or people think you are cursing. Geeks like myself might even make the connection with the expletive “frack” or “frak” from the two “Battlestar Galactica” TV shows.


Dan Gainor | July 11, 2007

   Drew Curtis, founder of, was kind enough to answer some questions from the Business…

Jeff Poor | July 10, 2007

     It must be summer rerun season because the July 9 ABC “World News with Charles Gibson” report on bottled water sounded a lot like the one from a day earlier. For the second consecutive night, ABC aired a story criticizing…

Jeff Poor | July 10, 2007

     Like a toddler that didn’t get its way, propagandist Michael Moore pitched a hissy fit for more than 10 minutes on CNN's “The Situation Room.”


     “That report was so…

Jeff Poor | July 9, 2007

     Despite claims of “Live Earth’s” bipartisan, non-political nature, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. had some strong words for the political opposition at the July 7 New Jersey concert.



Jeff Poor | July 9, 2007

     Stop and drop that water bottle, you’re hurting the environment.


     That was the message promoted by ABC “World News” on the July 8 broadcast. The segment blasted the bottled…

Jeff Poor | July 6, 2007

     You might think if a politician repeated the same message for a year, he would get it right.


     Not Al Gore.


    On the eve of his “Live Earth…

Jeff Poor | July 6, 2007

     The journalistic assault on Rupert Murdoch continues amidst reports that Dow Jones & Co.’s board (NYSE: DJ) will accept Murdoch’s buyout offer of $5 billion.


     Murdoch’s News…

Jeff Poor | July 6, 2007

     Al Gore says that most important issues facing the United States is global warming – not the war on terrorism, health care, immigration or anything else. “Today” show anchor Meredith Vieira pointed to that as reason…

Jeff Poor | July 3, 2007

     Now Hiring: Environmentally friendly, highly motivated individual to fill executive position. Fortune 500 Company seeks experienced chief sustainability officer to reduce carbon footprint, utilize alternative fuels and…