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Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     Michael Moore is attempting to circumvent the free market system of health care by urging people to threaten health care professionals and insurance companies.


     In a July 26…

Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     A few bad apples ruin the whole apple grove. That’s the premise the media are operating from these days.


     But an alignment of the stars with scandals in the three major American…

Jeff Poor | July 27, 2007

     Don’t cash in your stocks just yet.


     While “NBC Nightly News” and “CBS Evening News” presented a bleak outlook for viewers on July 26, some experts were less worried. It’s…

Jeff Poor | July 26, 2007

     Having trouble losing weight? According to several news outlets, the trouble may be your friends.


     “Keep your heavier friends close, but your thinner enemies closer,” said CBS…

Jeff Poor | July 26, 2007

     Even when ExxonMobil misses their own earnings estimates, some in the media still express indignation it posts any earnings.


     “Maybe not a record, but nobody’s crying poverty,”…

Julia A. Seymour | July 25, 2007

     Death and taxes may be the only certainties in life, but journalists’ support for higher taxes is almost as predictable.


     Sin taxes on tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy foods and…

Jeff Poor | July 25, 2007

   What happens when you take one of the nation’s poorest major cities and combine it with the media’s enviro-hysteria? According to NBC “Nightly News,” you get the solution to the once-great city of Detroit’s woes.


Dan Gainor | July 25, 2007

     You can never be too thin or too rich.

     That’s always been the case – until the mainstream media started counting. They like us all Hollywood-thin, but like our wallets that way as well.

     Journalists set almost…

BMI Staff | July 25, 2007
Thou Shalt Tax Every Sin The media love to tell…
Jeff Poor | July 25, 2007

     CNN business reporter Ali Velshi has picked up where he left off, beating the drum for hikes in the minimum wage. This time his cheerleading was even more blatant.


     “[T]here is…

Jeff Poor | July 24, 2007

     First the media tell you not to drink bottled water because it contributes to global warming. Then they warned against finding any humor in beer ads. They’ve even made overtures about the evils of energy drinks.

Jeff Poor | July 24, 2007

     Care to gas up with an orange mocha frappuchino, anyone? 

     Gasoline prices are four-and-half cents lower from last year and down nine cents from a week ago, according to the Energy…

Jeff Poor | July 20, 2007

     Using disparaging comments to stoke class warfare, Newsweek called for higher taxes on the “super rich” in the July 23 issue.


     The magazine called private-equity partners “…

Jeff Poor | July 20, 2007

     Silly rabbit, Trix really aren’t for kids anymore.


     Even more beloved characters are going to be pulled from the airwaves, but that’s not satisfying the food fascists.

Jeff Poor | July 20, 2007

     The Dow Jones Industrial Average broke 14,000 on July 17. But you might have missed it altogether unless you watched NBC “Nightly News.”


     This historic bull run by the stock…

Jeff Poor | July 18, 2007

     Rupert Murdoch may be on the verge of purchasing Dow Jones & Company, but that didn’t stop “Good Morning America” from getting in a few parting shots.


     ABC correspondent…

Julia A. Seymour | July 18, 2007

     Michael Moore was wrong about health insurance.


     So were President Bush, Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), presidential candidates former Sen. John…

Dan Gainor | July 18, 2007

     The well is about to run dry.

     That’s what the International Energy Agency said in early July. According to the Financial Times, “oil looks extremely tight in five years time.”

     Why wait five years? Oil looks…

BMI Staff | July 18, 2007
Health Care Lie: '47 Million Uninsured Americans'…
Jeff Poor | July 17, 2007

     “CBS Evening News” must not like choices.


     The newscast promoted government run health insurance again on July 16, by scaring seniors about Medicare privatization.